Journal of a Sabbatical

June 18, 2001

after the rain

Today's Bird Sightings:
Plum Island
redwinged blackbird (5)
eastern kingbird (8)
brown thrasher (2)
mourning dove (3)
purple martin (11)
tree swallow (2)
willet (12)
snowy egret (2)
gadwall (15)
northern mockingbird (2)
yellow warbler (4)
brown headed cowbird (2)
gray catbird (7)
bobolink (4)
American robin (2)
blue jay (1)
American crow (2) -- under attack by kingbirds
double crested cormorant (3)
mallard (12)
herring gull (12)
great egret (1)
Canada goose (10)
American goldfinch (3)
killdeer (2)
common tern (1)
common grackle (1)
house sparrow (1)

Today's Reading: Tibetan Trek by Ronald Kaulback

2001 Book List
Plum Island Bird List for 2001
Plum Island Life List

mallardIt's a bright sunshiny day after all the rain. Pajama Woman is sunning herself on a chaise lounge in her tiny back yard (tinier than mine but jam-packed with patio furniture). It's Bunker Hill Day so she's got the day off. I of course am still trying to get a tab key for the Hungarian G4. To each her own. Oh, and she doesn't wear flannel pajamas for sunbathing - she's actually got a swimsuit, which I suppose is good because flannel pajamas would be kind of difficult to swim in.

pink and yellowMy bad luck with ATMs continues. Today I managed to deposit the check I couldn't deposit on Friday. However, on my next transaction - cash withdrawal so I can ransom my laundry - it told me it was temporarily unable to dispense cash. Uh, the machine is empty? At least that's better than Friday's temporarily unavailable and sorry for the inconvenience message. What's even weirder and causes me to doubt my adult competencies even more than I already do is that when I told my therapist about the ATM frustration I experienced on Friday she thought I was telling her my card didn't work - nope, nobody's card worked - and then when she finally understood that the ATM itself didn't work she said she had never experienced that nor known anyone else who had. This is like the Post Office only running out of customs forms when I'm trying to mail something to Europe. It never happens to anyone else. And now today here we go again with the dysfunctional ATM. Luckily, there are two of them in this particular place and the other one was able to dispense cash and I was able to redeem my laundry.

Given that this may one of the last nice days before I become gainfully employed in a real office during real daylight hours, I blew off struggling with all the frustrating chores (maybe I'll hire someone to make the bittersweet and sumac go away as well as fixing the fence) and drove up to Plum Island to look for birds. Mostly it was the usual suspects, the only new addition to this year's year list is the blue jay - hardly a "good bird" but one I don't see on the refuge much and certainly the first one I've seen there this year. A gang of kingbirds were giving a crow a very hard time. The crow couldn't seem to get away from them. Willets were all over the place making lots and lots of noise. They were even louder than the killdeer. Mosquitoes of at least two species were very active, plus those tiny no see 'ums kept flying up my nose, so I skipped walking on the Hellcat dike.

Lots of things are in bloom this week. I couldn't begin to photograph them all. There's way more of that birds foot trefoil this year than I remember from past years. Yellow flowers are starting to nudge out pink ones, blue ones, and white ones as the jillion different species of goldenrod are just starting to bloom. I've had no luck in getting hold of the refuge plant checklist, which was alleged to exist at some time in the past. The staff at headquarters says there isn't a current one, so I have no guidance as to what to look for that I haven't already photographed. I started going through A Flora of Essex County and noting which species had been collected from Plum Island but that method of compiling a list could take awhile. Another project for when I don't have enough to do for the cats, piping plovers, and Hungarian dendrologists... not to mention the opportunity that's knocking my door down ... Now about that tab key...


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Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan