Journal of a Sabbatical

loafing the soul with plenty of larrys

August 14, 1998

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"I loaf and invite my soul" -- Walt Whitman

So what did I do with a full day all to myself - no nieces, no commitments, no house guest, no nothing? Nothing that's what. Shortly after I got up this morning, I realized there was absolutely no reason not to go back to bed. So I did.

I slept until 10:00 AM and then listened to The Connection on WBUR. The first hour was about philosophy. The guests were from the world philosophy congress recently held in Boston. The second hour was about umm, what the heck was it about... Joan-east called and I shut the radio off so I could hear her. She wanted to come over to drop off some stuff from Rita, so we arranged that.

After Joan-east left, I decided to go to Starbucks in the hopes of running into some of the coffee buddies, whom I haven't seen much lately. Ever mindful of errands and chores as the meaning of life, I figured I'd better do those first, so it was well after 12:00 when I got to Starbucks. There was Tom sitting by the window with both Larrys! I walked in the door and said something stupid like "Wow, both Larrys!" Turns out they'd been there for awhile and were pretty well talked out, but they were willing to rehash the Connection hour on philosophy, which they found as disappointing as I did. Philosophy Larry did not attend the world congress of philosophy as his unnamed state college,which now has no philosophy department, declined to pay for it. Queen Isabella Larry (QI) noticed I was reading Looking for the Lost, and read some passages aloud for Tom and Philosophy Larry. Tom and Philosophy Larry had to leave. I stayed on with QI and talked about the Clinton-Lewinsky business. There's gotta be a vast right-wing conspiracy going on here. QI told me that one of the few of his colleagues that know he's gay asked him if it made him feel better to see a straight person being persecuted in a sexual witch-hunt. We both thought that was a pretty funny thought. No, it doesn't make him feel better. Me either. Then we got into a discussion of whether we would ever have a gay person elected president. I laughed at that and said "not in my lifetime!" To which QI replied "well, a closeted gay person?" Me: "No way! Nobody could stay closeted and run for president these days." Come to think of it, how do we know we haven't already had a gay president? Not that I have any ideas on which one, but back in the days when the press didn't report every peccadillo and there was no "special prosecutor", who knows what kind of sex life presidents had?

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