Journal of a Sabbatical

rain record

May 11,1998

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The starlings have brought more nest material, including feathers.They also made quite a racket this morning. I really really wanted to sleep but they had other ideas. And it is way way too cold to turn on the air conditioner. And it is still raining buckets and the wind is blowing.

I think we're up to about Plan Q now for how to get the proposal files to my computer and converted to PDF.

This just in... Istvan went over to a different friend's house and got him to e-mail me the files as attachments. This time they actually showed up as binary files as attachments and I could read them no problem.

Zsolt is coming over to work on the remaining stuff here and Istvan is working on it at the other guy's house. The deadline is tomorrow. It will be a long night.

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