Journal of a Sabbatical

how long has it been raining?

May 10,1998

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Is it true that it has been raining for 11 days? Is this some kind of record?

I struggled out of bed, drove to Providence to pick up Nancy as with Z & I here until all hours working on reading the files that weren't ready anyway I couldn't go pick her up at the bus station. I think I was asleep when I drove to Providence this morning. I remember nothing except that I couldn't' see one car length in front of me it was raining so hard. We picked up some Italian bread at Kaplan's Bakery on Hope Street to bring to the Mother's Day gathering at Donald & Michael's and headed back onto the highway with cautions about the awful driving from all the bakery staff. I could see even less on the way back up to Salisbury. The rain just kept coming down in sheets and the visibility kept deteriorating. It was slow going. I was annoyed at myself for being late, convinced we would be the last ones there.

We finally got to Salisbury only about a half hour late. The only guests there yet were Thomas & Tim (Donald & Michael live there so they didn't have to be out driving in this). The surf is pounding on the beach in huge waves. Very dramatic. I stare out the window at the ocean.

Finally La Madre, Billy, Kevin, and the kids arrive. We eat a wonderful dinner. The waves continue to pound the beach looking very primal - a dangerous force of nature to be reckoned with. On the way home, Nancy and I stop at Butler's Toothpick to see if any seals are out (by that time the tide had gone out enough). Sure enough, lots of seals are arrayed on the rocks. Lots of fishermen are standing in the river in boots and full rain gear catching something - I can't make out the species - as the waves wash over the boat ramp.

Back at home: The promised e-mail of the proposal files (see yesterday) arrives but instead of being binary attachments, they have been somehow interpreted as text and I have kilobyte after kilobyte of gibberish.

I drove Nancy to the bus station, came back home, and called Zsolt and the guy who sent the files to tell them it didn't work. The sender is incredulous. Zsolt is frustrated. I am so tired I almost don't care anymore. We come up with plan c to follow the unsuccessful plan b. Plan c involves them sending me the text of the documents via e-mail and doing the word processing here. Plan d comes to me later, I could buy Adobe Acrobat 3.0 for the PC at CompUSA first thing in the morning and install it on one of their machines so they don't need my Mac just to create the PDF files. Oops, they don't have a CD-ROM drive between them and floppies are a special order. Grrrr. Computers suck. Plan e is I buy Adobe Acrobat 3.0 and install it on their friend's PC so they can do it there. Stay tuned for Plan f.

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