Journal of a Sabbatical

speaking of litter boxes

March 11, 1998

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I tried to dictate today's entry using Dragon PowerSecretary. Here is the result:

This morning I went to the cat shelter to wash Ritter where laser winter litter boxes and dishes. While I was unloading the provider provider flying broader provider Claude confined pride provided providing ideal, pumpkin jumped into the provider when I had my back current current turn turned. I could not get her out without getting stretched scraps scratched Excel so Roper Roper had to help the meat meat the meat meat helped me. Then pumpkin court poured corner category jaguar splendor under the sick St. St. St. St. St. St. Baltimore stated statement sustained convincing sick.

Pumpkin court jaguar undertake the place where I wash the dishes. She kissed at the average time I got here her. I try to separate her from jaguar with a cow, and she finally gave up. Then domino shall into the date yellow bucket where we store the wear and the lid 1/4 over on a top of him. We all fought at was pretty fund 20.

Fritz crawled under one of the date 8888 it ain't the blue litter boxes. We could not see him under their. All he could see was the date blue litter box moving across the store for four like it was alive. Slightly we recognized him when the chip of his pale colt out from under the box. Stiffness we were all left laughed laughed lasting slashing lasting at Fritz. The other caps cats were all watching the strange blue creature moving across the four but they were to afraid to go over to sniff it to find out it was only Fritz. Spoon

Today I got driving our secretary policy power secretary. I spent about 1 hour train its two understand my speech but judging by this its does not understand me at all. by it does not understand the word St. is beyond me. evidently when tie stay St. meaning a place where I wash dishes it thinks I mean a person who is very could put good. High was going to correct this before I put it on the web, but it is just to fund.

As you can see, I could not get it to understand some fairly important words in my vocabulary like: sink, dryer, and funny. I didn't test to see if it understood "bleach".

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