Journal of a Sabbatical


February 15, 1998

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A Virtual Visit to Sachuest Point NWR




At Watchemocket Cove:

58 ring-billed gulls
53 Canada geese
19 mute swans
14 buffleheads
13 canvasbacks
10 mallards
4 hooded mergansers
2 domestic geese
2 starlings
1 American crow
1 house sparrow
1 mockingbird
1 American widgeon
1 black backed gull


At Turner Reservoir, East Providence:

100 mallards
50 Canada geese
20 American coots
10 domestic geese
7 common mergansers
2 mute swans


We were more prepared for the cold today and the sun was so bright we just had to go for a walk along the East Bay Bike Path. We were rewarded with buds on the oak trees and the closest view of canvasbacks I've ever gotten. We could identify them easily with the naked eye and watch them dive and splash. Usually when we see canvasbacks they are huddled on the edge of the cove sleeping. These guys - especially the guys - were very active. The late afternoon sun really lit up their red heads too. They looked gorgeous.

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