Journal of a Sabbatical

burning cold

February 14, 1998

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Walked with Rita at 11:00 - turned back halfway up West Meadow Hill because the wind was so cold and intense it was burning our faces. It stung like hundreds of jellyfish. Having had astoundingly warm weather all week, the cold shocked us. We went back to her condo and made a pot of espresso and watched the black-capped chickadees and dark-eyed juncos at her next door neighbors' feeder.

Joan-east came over at noon. We had lunch: grilled cheese with bread and butter pickles and red pepper, plus oranges and strawberries. We read a pile of thank you notes that Priscilla had gotten from a Brownie troop that she helped with their cookie sales.

I called The Mac Zone and found a scanner with transparency adapter, that came with Photoshop 4.0 for less than what the Mac Connection ended up quoting me. Ordered same. Felt oddly better about myself - not quite such a goof. Still haven't ordered a color printer. Still haven't installed Mac OS 8.1. Still have a Mac, but at least I'll be able to scan Istvan's slides.

Nancy and I attempted to see The Apostle at the Seekonk Cinemas Rt. 6 but by the time we got there it was sold out. I was in a bad mood because the traffic was unbearable. We finally got back to Providence, got takeout out at Gourmet House, and watched the Olympics - men's figure skating and women's speed skating.

It got down to single digit cold during the night. I got a stomach ache and a parking ticket.

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