Journal of a Sabbatical

the machine

February 13, 1998

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my machine and its discontents

Spent a frustrating morning on the phone with Mac Connection trying to order a new scanner with transparency adapter and a color printer. The scanner I had picked out has been discontinued. Every scanner in the catalog was either out of stock or a different price or whatever. The one the clerk suggested was about 5 times the price of the one I wanted. I decided not to order it. Moving on to the printer, that was discontinued too. I decided to forego listening to other printer choices, and moved on to Dragon Power Secretary, which I've been meaning to order for some time. That was out of stock but expected in in March. I went ahead and ordered that. Thing is, I really need the scanner and the transparency adapter for Zsolt & Istvan's Excellent Web Page. Grrrr.

I haven't done anything about the unmapped memory errors either. I spent hours Tuesday afternoon (or was it Wednesday afternoon?) downloading Mac OS 8.1 in the hopes that it would fix whatever bizarreness is happening, only to realize I'd downloaded the Mac Binary II+ version instead of BinHex. Oops. Couldn't install it. The BinHex version takes even longer to download so I decided to forget it for now since everything works except Audubon Interactive CD-ROM Guide to North American Birds, which has already broken my trust by trashing my life list. Grrr. I would download Bird Brain Junior but I am tired of waiting for things to inch over the phone wires at 28.8Kbps or whatever this stupid modem is. Grrr. Why I remember back when I was a young software developer (my relatives thought I worked in a dry goods store - they spelled it soft wear) we were thrilled when we had hard wired connections that ran at 19.2!!!!!!!!! And it was a miraculous advance when we got 1200 baud modems to replace the 300 baud acoustic couplers. Yeah and we had to walk 30 miles to work in snow up to our necks... in bare feet ...and ... and.... :-)

my nieces, their machines, and their discontents

Andrea decided it would be interesting to pick the scabs off my cat scratch (I think from Pumpkin but I don't remember) while we were waiting for Lizzy to finish her piano lesson. Ick.

The nieces commenced fighting in the back seat on the way to pick up Lizzy's cat feeding machine from extended day (from the machine contest - she forgot it and next week is school vacation week). Andrea took the SafeFit off her seat belt and whaled on Lizzy with it. I stopped the car for a minute or two and Lizzy informed me that Grandma finds a place to pull off the road, parks, and stays there until Andrea calms down. Duh - it takes two to fight. Isn't that some law of physics? I fantasize about installing some kind of plastic shield that I can lower down from the roof at the press of a button to separate them. And where's that Maxwell Smart cone of silence when you need it?

Once home they stopped fighting to watch Full House and The California Dreams. Maybe I should get a TV monitor and tapes of Full House to put in the back seat of the Auntmobile. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Oh, and they were dissing someone from school saying "She's gay." I asked if they knew what that meant, and Andrea said "Yes, it means yucky!". I told them gay isn't an insult or a bad word and let it go at that.

Lizzy played Olympic Fanfare for me on the recorder. They are both getting better at piano.

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