kingbird on fence
Journal of a Sabbatical

November 20, 1998

rainy day blues


Plum Island bird list

the book pile


Journal Index




Copyright © 1998, Janet I. Egan

It is so gray today that I had no idea it was morning when I got up. I still have the sore throat, which is now accompanied by a stuffy nose.

Apple Works and Claris HomePage 3.0 came today. MacLink Plus hasn't come yet. Too bad - that's the one I really wanted right away. So, anyway I'm doing today's entry with Claris HomePage 3.0. It makes it so much easier to do the color blocks in the tables. No more typing in the background colors for each cell. There's a tool to to it now. Just click away. I could go color happy....

My office is a mess. I am still mining the neatly arranged square-cornered piles, resulting in messy, disorganized piles on the floor. The cleaning lady is due this afternoon so I'd better pick this stuff up off the floor.

The page up/page down keys don't work in 3.0. Grrr. My hard disk is full. Grrr. Gotta delete ClarisWorks 4.0 and Claris HomePage 2.0. How could I fill up a gigabyte? Color me grouchy.

Later that same day...

So, I deleted the old versions of Claris HomePage and ClarisWorks and a whole lot of saved email that I'll never read again and anything else I could think of that I'm not likely to use anytime soon. I now have room for the new versions. I still can't use the scroll keys. I never did pick up the desk avalanche off the floor so the cleaning lady cleaned around it. I was out having a very late lunch at J&M Subs when she came so I didn't see her. Anyway, except for the pile of stuff on the office floor, the house is now clean.

After my grouchy rant about not getting to hear the whole of the John Stilgoe interview yesterday, it was repeated in the middle of the night on WBUR and I just happened to be wide awake having a coughing fit at the time.

My goals for today were few: drink lots of fluids, especially echinacea tea; finish putting together the November newsletter; rest. So once I got the software all installed and then made enough disk space to be able to save a file, the newsletter went smoothly except for one item I need from somebody who can't get it to me 'til tomorrow. I read lots and lots of Song for the Blue Ocean and am now past the depressing salmon part and into the coral reefs. Although the coral reefs are in trouble, I'm not finding it as tough to read - partly, I think, because the Corps of Engineers is not involved.