kingbird on fence
Journal of a Sabbatical

November 19, 1998



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Copyright © 1998, Janet I. Egan

The sore throat came on suddenly yesterday. I didn't know one could get a cold or throat disease so suddenly with no prior symptoms. I was feeling better than well until the sore throat hit.

Stayed in bed until 11:30 petting Wilbur and coughing as I listened to the impeachment hearing. I expected Kenneth Starr to sound like a fire and brimstone preacher or something but he just sounded like a regular old lawyer. Later in the afternoon, I got really annoyed that NPR interrupted a Fresh Air interview with John Stilgoe to resume coverage of the impeachment hearing a good 20 minutes before Kenneth Starr returned to the hearing chamber. What was the point of listening to commentators telling me who was in or out of the room and trying to make conversation until the hearing started up again? I would rather have listened to John Stilgoe talk about telephone poles.

I do not like this sore throat. I do not like it at all.

I accused Ned of giving me his cold. Oh, yeah, I didn't spend all day in bed listening to the radio. I went out for coffee and had much fun talk with Tom and Ned despite my sore throat. And I went on an online software ordering binge induced by my inability to read an e-mail attachment. I finally sprung for MacLink Plus in the hopes of ending my problems with e-mail attachments and PC floppies etc. I didn't order a new floppy drive though, so the floppy problem will probably go on forever. I wish I knew what the heck was wrong with the damn floppy drive. I'm afraid if I replace it though everything I've backed up onto floppies will become unreadable. One of those double bind things. If I leave it alone, I can't read some (but not all) other people's floppies. If I replace it, I may not be able to read my own. Hmm...

And when did Claris disappear? I ended up ordering AppleWorks, which is claimed to be the replacement for ClarisWorks. I did find Claris Home Page 3.0 still available even though it has been replaced by something else also. Things change way too fast for me.

This sore throat is making me grumpy.

And oh by the way the New England Patriots are moving to Hartford. This contradicts my firm belief that Connecticut is not really a New England state: it is spiritually, mentally, psychologically, emotionally part of New York. And Hartford is about as far away from Boston you can get and still technically be in New England.