Journal of a Sabbatical

like a tea tray in the sky

October 8, 1997

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"Twinkle, twinkle little bat How I wonder what you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a tea-tray in the sky." -- Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland, Chapter 6

lawrence, etc.

In re-reading yesterday's entry, I realized I'd somehow merged Geary and Carrero into Guerrero. Gee, if I actually lived in Lawrence as opposed to perilously close to it, I hope I'd remember the names of the mayoral candidates. As soon as I got home from the cat shelter, I picked up today's Lawrence Eagle-Tribune to check the election results. It should be easier for me to remember now that the field is narrowed down to two candidates: Dowling and [incumbent] Kennedy. So much for Priscilla's prediction that the final would be Dowling and Lawrence. Richard Lawrence came in last with 471 votes.

les chats lunatiques

Elliot is not feeling well. Penny attacked Jaguar. Slinky's mood has improved dramatically. I didn't bleach anything today.

like a tea tray in the sky

After I changed my clothes, I struggled with inertia and forced myself to drive to Sasuga Japanese Bookstore in Porter Square to see if they had a guide to birds of Japan and other books that might be useful for the trip to Hokkaido. In an inspired moment, I realized it would be a lot easier if I bought the Totoro souvenirs the nieces want at Sasuga instead of hunting for them all over Hokkaido. At the cash register the clerk said I'd bought the last stuffed Totoro, and when I told her my nieces wanted me to bring them Totoro from Hokkaido she explained that I wouldn't find any there. [Kevin, if you are reading this don't you dare tell them I got the Totoros in Cambridge - they came from Japan alright, just by way of Cambridge.]

I didn't get the bird book I was looking for - publisher out of stock - but I got Hiking in Japan, Wild Sheep Chase, and Travelers of a Hundred Ages. I was reading Hiking in Japan over a roasted veggie sandwich and a pot of tea at Tea Tray in the Sky when the boyfriend of one of the proprietors asked me if I was going to Japan. I told them my plans and they all insisted I come in and tell them all about it when I get back. The guy kept saying "I really mean it." The woman who owns the shop dreams of going to Japan. Personally, I dream of that tea shop now. Great food. Beautiful art on the walls (for sale) including many many different arty teapots. My friend Mark the hermit potter would love it... in fact I called and left a message about it for him as soon as I got home.

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