Journal of a Sabbatical

lawrence, etc.

October 7, 1997

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Priscilla and Harold were out early this morning holding signs for Richard Lawrence at the polling place. They were the 216th and 217th voters in their precinct. This afternoon for our Tuesday walk Priscilla, Joan-east, and I walked to the polling place (Diamond Springs) to see what the turnout was so far. It was about a half hour or so walk and it was hotter than we expected. At the corner of the street where Diamond Springs is, a woman holding a Halloran for Mayor sign greeted us. Before she got all the way through her Halloran pitch, Priscilla announced: "I'm mother-in-law to Richard Lawrence." The Halloran lady paused and then answered: "Richard's a nice guy. He came to talk to us this morning." On our way back from checking the turnout count, she greeted us again asking about the turnout: 424. There are about 4000 voters per precinct so that's right around 10%, not much of a turnout. It's a nice Indian summer day and nobody has primary elections in October. Nobody thinks about voting in October. I asked Priscilla if she thought Richard had a chance and she looked at me like I'd spoken heresy. "Of course, especially after what Dowling said about Carrero's supporters last night." I haven't looked at the Lawrence paper in days and have no idea what she's talking about. I gather Dowling is focusing her campaign in particular precincts and ignoring the minority vote.

We walked for a little over an hour. Back at Priscilla and Harold's I whipped out what I thought was the envelope of North Conway pictures. Oops. It's the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac pictures. Joan-east insists on looking at them anyway, laying out each one on the table until it's covered. Meanwhile, Harold is telling me about his 1971 trip to Japan with the Boy Scouts (he was a scout leader for years until his stroke). I promised to take lots of pictures and come over for dinner to show them off after the trip if Harold would develop a vegetarian baked bean recipe for the occasion. He's famous for his bean suppers - the sustenance of West Parish Church. He has been working on a vegetarian version of his recipe anyway since the special bean supper he did for Richard's campaign workers. So it's a date. Harold points out that I'll be back the day before the November election. I don't live in Lawrence so my only interest in this mayoral election is that Richard is Priscilla and Harold's son-in-law. As I was walking out the door, Priscilla reminded me I could get the election results tonight on WCCM...

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