Journal of a Sabbatical

wild harvest

September 24, 1997

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Boston to Host 1999 All Star Game

Lowell Celebrates Kerouac

chris playing catch with chris

Two black and white cats got left on the doorstep of the shelter. No note, no surrender forms, nothing. Just cats. Last week somebody left a box of kittens on the doorstep. At least the people didn't kill them or turn them loose to fend for themselves... The black and white ones are cute. They'll get adopted fast. The kittens are already gone.

The most extraordinary thing happened today. Chris the human (the new volunteer I mentioned last week) tossed a cat toy to the feline Chris (long haired white). Feline Chris caught it in midair. Pretty remarkable. Then the feline Chris flung it back to the human Chris. Even more remarkable. Cats don't even play fetch let alone catch! Human Chris tried to get the cat to repeat the trick. He managed the catch but not the throw. If there hadn't been other witnesses to this event I would assume I imagined it!

Penny jumped onto Jaguar from above and everybody blamed Jaguar for starting the fight. I defended him as always. I saw the whole thing. He was just walking across the floor when Penny pounced from on top of the cat gym. There was lots of snarling all around. I put a towel between them so they couldn't see each other. That broke it up. In general there was lots of snarling today. Maybe the season change affects the cats.

I had to wash everything with bleach today because Sheila brought me the dishes and litterboxes from the sick room all in a heap, not separated and not in a plastic bag to separate them from the non-sickroom stuff. So to prevent the spread of germs, bacteria, whatever, I put bleach in the wash water and set up a separate rinse bucket with water and bleach. This works fine but I managed to splash bleachy water in my eye. It stung but there's no damage. I flushed it immediately. All in a days work.

I was particularly stinky when I left there and couldn't wait to get home and take a nice cleansing shower.


A new Wild Harvest supermarket opened in Andover yesterday. This is a major event considering the pitiful food shopping choices we have around here. So like everybody in town, I went over to check it out. I needed a few things. Nothing major.

There are 110 kinds of fruits and vegetables in the produce department. Some I never heard of. Some I recognized from William's daily fruit lessons in the Galapagos. The last time I saw a chirimoya was high in the Andes on a trip to the Otavalo market. We were eating them on the bus. I was overwhelmed by the choices. All I wanted was some cashews to put on my morning cereal, a loaf of bread, and seltzer water. I found the cashews in the bulk bins and put a scoopful in a paper bag, labeled it, and went looking for seltzer. Suddenly I was in the cat food aisle surrounded by pet food brands I'd never heard of, mops, and light bulbs. I got all turned around. I met other lost people muttering about how they hadn't learned the layout of the store yet. Finally I got what I'd come for, plus some pre-prepared mattar paneer for supper.

At the checkout, the cashier couldn't read my writing on the bag of cashews so she opened the bag and looked. She didn't know what they were. She called over a manager who told her they were cashews and handed her a price list. She weighed them and rang them up. The mattar paneer scanned as vegetable biryani but they were the same price so I didn't complain. It was only when I got home that I realized she'd rung the cashews in as honeydew. I can't tell whether I got ripped off or I made out. I was going to go back and straighten it out but I was hungry and tired and had promised to meet Joan-east and Claire at 7:00 for a walk.

I popped the mattar paneer in the microwave for 8 minutes (my microwave is 20 years old and extremely under powered so it takes a long time to heat things that should only take seconds). I puttered around making tea and opening the mail, which in addition to Burger King coupons, supermarket circulars, and catalogs contained a package from Charla. A nice little book of black and white photos of cats. I like it.

The bell on the microwave rang. I opened the door to find mattar paneer all over the inside of the microwave. The plastic container was flattened onto the bottom of the microwave. I salvaged and ate what I could and mopped up and disposed of the rest. I think I am not fit to live in the 21st century. I mean the thing said it could used for one time heating in the microwave. Little did I know they didn't mean my microwave. Still hungry, I made a sandwich out of bread and tamarind chutney. That was actually quite good. I still can't figure out why my microwave is so weird though. My family makes fun of me because I use potholders to get things out of Kevin's or anybody else's microwave. They tell me: "But it's not hot!" But things coming out of my microwave are hot and I've burned my fingers a time or two too often. Must be time for a new microwave.

the all star game

Does anybody besides me think it's weird that for decades Major League Baseball has claimed that Fenway Park is too small to host the All Star Game and we'll have to build a new "stadium" in Boston before we can host such an exalted event and then suddenly they're proud to award the last All Star Game of the 20th century to Boston's "historic Fenway Park"? Did Fenway get bigger when I wasn't looking? Is this to make up for Boston's losing MacWorld to New York? Who bribed whom with what?



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