Journal of a Sabbatical


September 17, 1997

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North Andover Gay-Straight Alliance



The house sparrows continue their bid for domination of the entire courtyard. Fifty of them stood their ground on my walk this afternoon until I practically stepped on them, then they flew directly over my head to the Russian lady's yard where they roosted in a tree about a foot from where she sat reading a book. They know no fear.

Red Sox

The Red Sox lost a doubleheader to the Yankees yesterday thus eliminating themselves from contention for the wild card slot. Mo Vaughn is not happy with his contract negotiations. Sigh.

spiderman fragments

The broken bits of the spiderman action figure seem to have developed a life of their own. They circulate around the parking lot carried by some unseen current. Every time I come into my parking space, the red and blue bits of Spiderman are distributed differently. Right now a pile of them are on the grass under the former basketball hoop.


I've been reading The Cliff Walk by Don J.Snyder. Depressing. College professor gets fired from prestigious college and goes into free fall, spiralling ever lower into despair and inaction. It's tenured faculty or nothing. Yikes! Why on earth am I reading this? Part of my continuing search to understand work.


Four of the "seven dwarfs" kittens got adopted. They're not really dwarfs, just tiny kittens named after the seven dwarfs.

Elliot is back again. This time his owner was forced to move to a place that doesn't allow cats. Poor Elliot, just when he thought he'd found happiness after his previous owner died his new owner gets evicted. I petted him extra but he's still clearly not happy to be back.

Roberta is taking a computer class on Wednesday mornings so we were short handed today. A new volunteer started, a developmentally delayed boy who is very nice but needs lots of direction. He's good with the cats though.

I brought my bagel and coffee in with me because I was running late.This made me popular with Slinky, Penny, and Jaguar. Slinky was rubbing against my legs, climbing on my back, circling me, all to get the bagel. He kept Penny, Jaguar, and Chris at bay. Roberta always feeds Slinky part of her lunch - directly from her mouth - ewww. I broke off a piece of bagel and gave it to Slinky. This made him climb right up onto my shoulder. I almost couldn't get him off! Later I fed Jaguar some bagel fragments from my hand. He was thrilled.

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