Journal of a Sabbatical

ultra bold

September 17, 1997

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Third Grade Journal

Third graders. Ya gotta love 'em.


Live Principal Cam

I would have loved a live sister superior cam in my days at St. Bernard's School.

a portrait of me

Awhile back several readers - mostly family members - requested that I change the picture on my home page to anything other than my Russian visa picture. I finally got around to putting up a new portrait. What I should really do is some kind of animated gif slide show showing my entire collection of baseball caps. Meanwhile, the above pic, which now graces my home page, was taken by my friend Rita on the back porch of her condo. It looks about as much like me as the visa picture did. But I'm told I look good in red.

Oh, the cap says "Watch Hill, Rhode Island".

Bodoni MT Ultra Bold

I've developed an inexplicable fondness for Bodoni MT Ultra Bold. This is no doubt a symptom of delayed onset desktop publishing disease. Hmm, when the Mac first came out and people were writing memos that looked like ransom notes, I couldn't stand all the font mixing. Things change. Sort of.


bits of plastic

Meanwhile back at the asphalt jungle, house sparrows are taking over. Also a black and white cat seems to have taken up residence in the Russian lady's yard. A group of boys has spent the last 3 days repeatedly running over a plastic Spiderman action figure with their bikes. One of them kindly moved it out of the way so I wouldn't back over it and get a flat. The parking lot is full of bits of red and blue plastic. I don't know what the Spiderman doll did to deserve its fate.

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