j u l i a n n e

personal/political - professional

In preparation: a table of contents for this web site. So I won't be so darned coy about where everything is! In the meantime, here are some older but useful pages...

Usability Techniques for Creators of ELiterature (plus my position statement for ENarrative1).

My page about what I did at Trellix Corporation.

Murmur of Water: one take on classical hypertext, plus science fiction (or is it?). Thank you to Youngiee Quennell for making it so beautiful.

Asking For More Money: everything I know about salary negotiation, including selected war stories and links to resources that helped me start (note that I've only barely begun) working through my emotions about money. If you've heard this rant in person, the online one is just like what you heard, only longer and full of obsessive detail.

Technology Transfer in the Creation of a Commercial Hypertext Product, an attempt to recap the development of Trellix 1.0-2.1 for a local IEEE meeting. In person this talk included war stories and hand-waving, but the slides left over afterwards do show the Trellix map of that era, used as a roadmap, and they feature L'ena Shukel's famous "spiral" page designs.

The rant section:

  • A 1999 rant about Radcliffe.
  • My December 2000 eco-rant.
  • Several rants from 2001 (mostly political).
  • The complete rants from 2002.

    My secret identity, which I made the mistake of entering into the Assoziations-Blaster (I did one on Iraq too).

    Last update: January 2003.
    Original content copyright 2000 - 2003 by Julianne Chatelain.
    Design by Hippogryph Enterprises.