personal/political - professional - table of
1 December 2000
Tonight I am turning several news items over in my head, trying to see
beyond the surface froth of newsbulletins to the swelling waves of
larger trends
that Jacques Ellul always told us
to look for. Join me?
- After 1,000 years of quiet strength and two years of heroism
the redwood tree "Luna" has
been vandalized. It's
in danger of falling, at last, in this winter's storms.
- "Mad cow disease" is now
in Europe. I stopped eating beef long before my pal/critic
Joe Mayhew died of C-J, but did
I stop in time? Can any of us? Those prions are darned near
- I just read news of a U.N.
IPCC report suggesting that a rise in
the Earth's sea levels of 7 to 13 metres is the most likely future
scenario. Once our destabilized
world climactic system tips over, the melting
of the ice sheets will be "irreversible." Much of the world's most fertile
farmland will be under water (as will many of the places on Earth that I love
the most).
- The most recent environmental summit just collapsed.
What part of "under water" doesn't the U.S. public (which should never
have let our politicians and negotiators off the hook) understand?
For years I have drenched myself in science fictional ideas and
language. This moment feels science fictional to me.
My favorite authors can telescope time,
pinpointing the turning points when it all slipped out of
the characters' control, after which it was too late for the protagonists
to save themselves. But today we are the protagonists and I'm afraid our
turning point has come. And it's not possible to close the too-scary book
and put the kettle on...
I dream we can become an army of protagonists (Gonzalo Frasca's
phrase). That
each of us can find some action to take, and take it. Look at the
nightlights of Earth and visualize the person beneath each one of
those lights doing something to help our species evolve beyond
its programming, which we must do in order to
survive. Think neuroplasticity...
December 1st is also World AIDS Day, which would not be complete
without greeting the spirits of Barry Sullivan, David
Wells, Evan McCall (and his dad), and my favorite guru of bravura
and overkill. Healing energy to everyone who is living with
HIV, and everyone who is helping to fight it, especially in Africa.
Rant moved to this location 4 July 2001.
Original content copyright 2000 by Julianne Chatelain.
Design by Hippogryph