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The maximum height of the many-segmented canopy-walkway was 120 feet.
We met the children while birding the mountains around San Mateo. Peru, several hours drive East of Lima.
Stauffer, Herman, and our wonderful Guide at ACEER and Explorama Lodge, Lucio.
After finding the first Seaside Cinclodes, Ellie walked down the beach 50 yards to the next likely habitat and, lo and behold, there was another Cinclodes! That's Herman with her.
"Pinch me. Am I really here?" --Ellie to Stauffer at Machu Picchu
The entire coast of Peru is a 30-mile wide desert. I photographed these cows just North of Lima. We had pulled off the Pan American Highway to look at some birds.
Ellie gave a child in red poncho, Andras, a dinosaur sticker. He was not familiar with dinausaurs so I said "Jurassic Park". Total blank. How refreshing!
Herman is updating his trip list. His final total was 242. Peru has more bird species than any other country in the world (About 1700!), so the checklist is a veritable book. Ted Parker (R.I.P.) is one of the compilers. He's a legend in Peru. Our Paracas boat captain, Julian, proudly showed us Ted's autographed business card. No one in our party ever had the privilege of meeting Ted, but our Amazon guide Lucio learned to bird from Ted, so we are only once removed. I gave Lucio a cassette of Peruvian birdsong recorded by T.P. as a parting gift. Because of that tape I had the thrill of recognizing the calls of the Great Potoo and the Common Potoo before dawn every morning in Amazonia. Also the Russet-backed Oropendola's liquid sound was familiar to me.
Here's an amazing fact I read in that book: The Amazon has 1000 tributaries, 10 of which are bigger than the Mississippi.
Andes: Giant Hummingbird, (country road near Urumbamba); We all enjoyed an Andean Flicker; Walking the road that passes through the highest cloud forest in the world -a long drive from Urumbamba to the Eastern Slope of the Andes- Eva found a Pearled Treerunner, proving even a non-birder can spot nice things; One afternoon on a lake (long name beginning with "H") near Cuzco we had good looks at Rails. Eva & our driver Pepi enjoyed the Slate-colored Coot, which is like the American Coot but with a yellow frontal plate, because it's beautiful & easy to see. Eva could also identify the Yellow-winged Blackbirds at that lake. On the grounds of the lovely Alhambra Hotel in Urubamba we got terrific looks at the Sparkling Violetear. Stauffer pointed out an Alpomando Falcon perched during our long drive back to Urumbamba from the cloud forest.
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Last revised: May 24, 2002