Plants, Insects & Reptiles Photographed in Ecuador Feb. '99

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Fiddleheads (30k)
A beautiful blue flower (17k) photographed near Sacha Lodge
A wild orchid (29k) Eastern Slope.
It may or may not be the Orquideario Cattleya
Unidentified plant (27k)
Fungus (19k) photographed near Sacha Lodge.
Mushroom (19k) photographed near Sacha Lodge.
Tree tomato (25k)
"Tree tomatoes in syrup" is a common dessert. It tastes like baked apples. I liked it.
Tiger Beetle (13k) An individual photographed near Mindo
Tiger Beetle (7k) An individual photographed near Tandayapa.
Assasin Bug (5K) near Mindo. A
relative was implicated in Darwin's death.
Rhinocerous Beetle (17k) carcass. Photographed near San Isidro.
Centipede (13k)
Pirhanna in Lucite (14k) exhibited at Sacha Lodge.
Unidentified bug (7k) resembling the car.
Photographed on the upper Loreto Road.
Tree viper (8k),
a venomous snake. Photographed west of Los Bancos.
Tayra (13k) at Orchid Paradise.
Ellie once saw a pack of tayras in the wild in Peru
gang up on a monkey & kill him while his entire monkey group screamed in distress, so she does not have a warm
& fuzzy feeling for this animal, but was glad to show me one.
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times since April 27, 1999
All the photos on this page were taken with my Sony Mavica Digital Camera.
Last revised: May 2, 1999