Here's a shot of the center support and the
aligmnent guage provided by EarthStar (there'll
be more info on the alignment gauges on the
next page).
It may be difficult to tell from this angle,
but if you look closely, you can see that the
torque tube is going through the lightening
holes at an angle.
Here's the left wing aileron driver arm.
Notice how this end of the aileron torque tube
is near the top surface of the wing.
The ruler in this shot is held on
with a couple of cleco side clamps. It's simply
acting as a temporary triangulation
The right aileron driver arm.
Notice how this end of the torque tube is near
the bottom surface of the wing.
The end rivets on the torque tube supports
frequently interfere with the existing spar cap
rivet. So, you must remove the existing rivet
and then re-use the hole.
Here's the technique we used to locate the hole
location on the torque tube support.
Before removing the existing rivet, lay a
postage stamp size PostIt note on the rivet
with the sticky side up.
Cleco the support in, using a couple of the
existing holes.
Give the support a gentle wrap with a board
and hammer, directly over the existing rivet.
Voila ... An indent of the existing rivet
location is left in the PostIt note which is
conveniently stuck to the support. Just
center punch it and drill it out.
You can now remove the existing rivet.
Marking the existing rivet location on the
PostIt note.
I monkeyed with the contrast in this photo.
But, if you look closely, you can see the
indent of the existing rivet in the paper.