Joanne and Ed Baker's Website

Amateur Airplane Builders

Joanne and I decided to build a FlightStar in February 2001. We started constructing it around March 1, 2001 and had it ready to fly by July 1, 2001.
In March 2003, we got the itch to build another plane.
This time we chose the Earthstar Odyssey.
Click on the airplane picture of your choice.
The FlightStar photo will take you to the story of our FlightStar project. It's loaded with details about the complete construction process, plus collections of photos from the many photo missions we've taken since completing plane.
The Odyssey photo will take you to the ongoing story of our Odyssey construction. We started constructing the Odyssey in April 2003. You can watch along as we go.
We hope you enjoy it

If you have any questions or comments,
Joanne and I can be reached via email at

EBTS - Ed Baker Technical Services