23-July-99 Back to Pocatello

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After a big breakfast (I had high-cholesterol biscuits and gravy) in the motel we tracked down the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center. It's five miles out of town, up at the top of the hills where the Oregon Trail comes out of the sagebrush flats and down into the valley. At first you wonder why they had to build the museum in the middle of nowhere, but as you go through it you begin to see what life was like for the emigrants crossing the high desert. When you're through, you realize that the contrast of the desert behind you with the green valley in front is exactly what you needed to understand the Oregon Trail. It really shouldn't be anywhere else.
wagons full size
recorded sounds, people talking
hands-on wagon packing model exhibit
talking about people our age having grandparents, or anyway great grandparents who came along the trail
miner guy
magpie along the highway
All my old flames have new names
seismograph web sites

Rainbow Ink
E-mail deanb@world.std.com