Carl Ellison's home page

Photo: Judy Bigelow - at Kona Village Resort

[7 May 2007]

Check out Judy's foundation.

Fellow tenor Nick took some pictures during Desmond Tutu's visit to St. Mark's, mostly from the choir loft during the Evensong service on May 11, 2006.

Ted Koppel on NPR quoting Lily Tomlin: "No matter how cynical I get, I can never keep up."

My SPAM e-mail list has been moved to a blog to save my friends the e-mail traffic and let them respond directly to my postings. Enjoy.

``All suspects are guilty - period - otherwise they wouldn't be suspects would they?'' From ``Troops'', the old take-off on ``COPS!''. That was a funny line, once, back before we had people at the very top of the US administration who act like they expect us to believe this.

"Does the Public Really Believe?" -- Arianna apparently doesn't

Al Gore's speech on the Patriot Act & the Bush administration.

Trinity Consort and St. Mark's music program.

An anecdote about life here in Seattle. I think I'm going to like this town.

My real claim to fame :-) thanks to Timewarp Films and Leanna Chamish.

Security Pages

The Padlock Story


Other Pages


Here are some of the sights I enjoy from Portland:


not to mention the sunrises:


Here are one from Hinsdale, IL (in 1999) and one from Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA (2002)


and some pix of my new house

Carl Ellison