
There was a time when all of my belongings could
fit into a Ford Pinto. Now I need one those "U-STOR-IT"
bunkers for the squeeze toys alone. Welcome to the
overstuffed closet at the end of the imaginary hallway.
- CAT-HEAD COMICS! - Vist the Cat-Head
Comics Gift Shop. Revel in the ink-infused splendor of Steve Lafler's
BugHouse. Subvert the system with Buzzard. Zoot!
- COMICS FROM SPACE! - Free your
mind by investing in the best alternative comics of the 90s. Do it now
before John Ashcroft gets out his sanctified flamethrower.
- RECORDS 4 SALE! - Some people
claim that listening to music on vinyl imparts a REALISM and WARMTH
that is lacking on CDs. Those people should buy my albums.