11.16.5 Resolving attacks
Terrain Effects Chart
Using option 43 (both sides roll a die in land combat), the following terrain effects modifiers are in force:
Rolling dice
(add to end of first paragraph)
If using our shattered units rule, add 1 to the roll for each defending shattered unit.
Option 42
(replaces it)
Attacker die roll is -1 if units from more than one major power contribute factors to the attack
Option 43
(add to end)
If both attacker and defender die roll modifiers are +2 or more, then for each +2 on both dice that the attacker forgoes, he may gain an odds column (including for overruns); you may not reduce modifiers below 0.
Background/Purpose: the die roll modifier for factory cities represents the 'street fighting' quality seen in major battles like Stalingrad or Berlin. The forest modifier gives a slight advantage to the defender in this difficult terrain. In both cases, the attacker's ability to do damage and take the hex is unaffected, however.