11.16.5 Resolving attacks
Choosing combat tables
(replaces entire section)
You must now select one of the two land combat results tables --blitzkrieg or assault. The blitzkrieg table allows retreats and leaves the attacker face-up more often. The assault table will generally increase casualties for both sides.
Depending on armor involved and terrain, either the attacker or defender may have choice of the combat table.
For the attacker to choose the table, you must have at least as much armor involved as the defender has. If the attacker does not have at least as much armor, the defender chooses the combat table in all cases. If the attacker has at least as much armor, the attacker may choose the combat table unless prohibited by terrain (see below).
Attacking Units | ARM points |
HQ-A, ARM | 4 |
MECH | 3 |
MOT, CAV | 1 |
TB, AT, AA (red-circled) | half printed combat factors |
Defending Units | ARM points |
HQ-A, ARM | 4 |
MECH | 3 |
MOT, HQI, INF, GAR | 2 |
PARA, MAR, MIL, TER, CAV, MTN motorized ART | 1 |
TB, AT, AA | printed combat factors |
notional unit | 1 per combat factor |
Divisions have half the above value for their respective corps; treat an ENG division as an INF division. 'TB' stands for a tank-buster bomber. Units whose combat factors are being halved or doubled for any reason (attacking across river, invading, chit play, etc.) also halve or double their ARM points as appropriate.
If a Blitzkrieg attack is occuring in a clear or desert hex (which does not contain a city) experiencing Fine or Snow weather, then their may be an armor bonus. Subtract defender's armor points from attacker's. If number is greater than zero, both attacker and defender apply one-fourth of this number as a positive die roll modifier to their combat die rolls (WiFSD assumes use of the split d10, option 43). If the number is negative, both attacker and defender apply one-fourth this number as a negative die roll modifier to their combat die rolls.
Some terrain and terrain features make it very difficult, or impossible, for the attacker to choose tables. If the attacker wishes to do a blitz attack in rough terrain, he may suffer an odds column lowering. The defender can always choose the Combat type (blitz or assault) table if the attacker cannot, with no change in the combat odds (ie, if the defender chooses to allow a blitz at his discretion in a forest hex, the -1 odds level modifier is not applied).
Terrain | Odds modifier |
Clear, Desert | none; possible ARM bonus for either side in Fine or Snow if not a city |
Forest | -1 odds level |
Jungle, Mountain, Swamp | -2 odds levels |
City with two or more printed factory stacks | defender chooses table |
Other City | -2 odds levels |
Fortress, Fortified hex | defender chooses table if any attacking units are attacking across a fortified hexside |
11.16.4 Ground support
Option 33
(replaces it)
Tank buster bombers have their tactical factors circled in red. When flying ground support, tank busters add their tactical factors into combat like any other bomber. However, tank busters also affect the choice of combat tables per the blitz modifiers above.
16.3 Land action (Offensive chits)
(add to the end of the first sentence)
(any unit whose combat factors are doubled, also doubles its ARM points)
22.4.2 Artillery
Anti-tank units
(replace all)
AT units add their printed combat factors to the combat factors of other units involved in the combat, as usual. (AT combat factors are no longer doubled, except possibly by chit play.) ATs affect whether a blitz can be called, and any blitz modifier, per the blitz modifiers above.
Anti-air units
(replace last two paragraphs)
AA units add their printed combat factors to the combat factors of other units involved in the combat, as usual. (AA combat factors are no longer doubled, except possibly by chit play.) AAs affect whether a blitz can be called, and any blitz modifier, per the blitz modifiers above.
Example: 4 German corps, 2 ARM, a MECH, and an INF, are attacking a French MECH, MIL and a 3 factor AA east of Paris. The hex is Clear terrain and the weather is Fine. After all ground support (which did not include any tank busters), final combat odds are 3:1. Both sides add up their ARM points to determine who has the choice of combat table. The German player has 11 ARM points, 4 each for the 2 ARM, and 3 for the MECH. The French have 7 ARM points, 3 each for the MECH and AT, and 1 for the MIL. The Germans have 4 more ARM points than the French, and can choose the combat table. Moreoever, since the terrain is a non-city clear hex, and the weather fine, an ARM bonus may apply. One-fourth of 4 is 1, so both sides will add 1 to their combat die roll.
Background/Purpose: this offers a more sophisticated view of land combat at the expense of some additional counting by players. This rule really should be used in conjunction with both the land combat casualties rule and land combat modifiers, which provide some realistic counterbalances to the bonuses given to tanks here. By quantifying the armor involved, a graduated approach for an armor bonus, with gradual benefits, is feasible. Allowing blitz attacks in almost any terrain types, but at reduced odds, is less dramatic than it sounds: giving away 2 odds columns for the right to blitz is almost always the wrong choice, unless the attack was a route (7:1 or better) anyways. For bad terrain, this simply allows the attacker the choice of trying to concentrate on killing units or forcing forward while minimizing casualties on both sides.