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*** Log file opened: 5/21/97 7:05:47 AM
[LadyNada] hello Vega-33
[Vega-33] evening guise and galls :-)
Vega-33 needs to put error checking in his disk sector reading code for when
a program does not exist :P
[LadyNada] hello?
[Vega-33] 384
[Vega-33] 240
[Vega-33] 271
[Vega-33] 201
[Talisin] LOL
[LadyNada] vega's going off
[Vega-33] sorry just dumping some stuff I'm checking a kaballah hunch ;)
[LadyNada] check this vega
[LadyNada] vega
[LadyNada] http://alpha.mic.dundee.ac.uk/ft/crop_circles/1997/tree97.html
[Vega-33] checking as we type
[Vega-33] nice speed for on a t1... a few 100 bytes a sec :P
[Vega-33] uuu uu uhhhh...
[Vega-33] okkkeayyyy....
[Vega-33] this isnt a hoax?
[LadyNada] thats the FIRST thing that I thot!
[LadyNada] but even if it is a hoax... why did they choose that form???
LadyNada throws up her hands in query
[Vega-33] its a PERFECT tree!!!
[Vega-33] even includes Daath!
[LadyNada] Talisin12: its a crop circle at barbary castle of the tree
of life
[Vega-33] jaw drop incoming
[LadyNada] yes thats what happened to me too
[LadyNada] so I guess we are over the hump eh?
Vega-33 's jaw hits #Bridge with a dull thump of soft pink tissue
[LadyNada] its happening..
[LadyNada] now I really wonder if earth makes the circles herself?
[Vega-33] funny thing tho
[Vega-33] its upside down
[LadyNada] yes... is it... ummmmmmmm
[Vega-33] or at least its showed upside down
[Vega-33] It has Malkuth at the top
[LadyNada] hmmm would that signify anything? maybe that the physical is
divine too, I hope?
LadyNada is always looking for an angle...
[Vega-33] hehe we could get into alsorts of weird and wonderful kaballic
[LadyNada] you know the tree of life fits on Metatron's cube too?
[Vega-33] but... you know how in numerology 10 = 1+0 = 1
[LadyNada] yuh
[Vega-33] so it could well be that sphere 1 reflects in the 10th sphere
[Vega-33] actually there is 11th spheres
[Vega-33] but one of them isnt as such regarded as a sphere
[Vega-33] Daath always was the odd one out
[LadyNada] which one is Daath
[LadyNada] please?
[Vega-33] technically its not a sphere
[Vega-33] its at a crossing point
[Vega-33] I forget but it did have an esoteric name
[Vega-33] Tiphareth and Kether, Binah and Chockmah...
[Vega-33] where those paths crosss
[Vega-33] is where Daath sits
[LadyNada] wait a sec
[LadyNada] is this near the heart? when you overlay on a human body?
Sphere 11: Daath
As there is light, there is Shadow. As there is Order, there is Chaos.
There is one fruit on the Tree of Life that is more of a Hole, it is the
"non-sphere," numbered "11" called Daath or the Abyss. This is
the random chaos of pure disslocation and fragmentation of all
thought and conception. It is the place where Madness and
Antimatter dwell, and it is the Gateway to the Shadow Tree.
[Vega-33] sorry for the dump
[Vega-33] thats the story basically
[Vega-33] its where the throat is I think
[LadyNada] oh good.. I wonder if thats where the Mother comes in with her
gift of darkness of space and free will
[LadyNada] I wana follow up on this
[LadyNada] 11 is my number
[LadyNada] it stands for two standing side by side, the Holy Couple
[LadyNada] 1 and 1
[Vega-33] Its a very mysterious sphere
LadyNada runs off looking for clues
[LadyNada] WHERE is it?
[LadyNada] which sphere?
[Vega-33] some number is as 0 also
[LadyNada] hey vega lookit this graphic
The unmanifest. Knowledge in the sense that Adam knew Eve. Realization,
illumination, Knowledge gained thru experience of life on all levels.
Knowledge and experience required to live life thru a perfect
(unfallen) Tree. Daath is not a true sephira, it has no correspondences, and
no place on the Tree Of Life. It is the gap created by the fall, which must
be bridged to attain the qualities of the first three sephiroth.
[LadyNada] yea same page you got that quote
[Vega-33] thats where i just was
[LadyNada] yea.. aha! its the part everyone leaves out!
Vega-33 dohs
[LadyNada] the part they call evil!
[Vega-33] hehe
[Vega-33] yep.
[LadyNada] the part that makes physical divine and free will necessary
[Vega-33] the part without which the tree wouldnt exist
LadyNada digs some more
[LadyNada] yes!
[LadyNada] dang it
[LadyNada] no wonder it is HIDDEN
[LadyNada] its been denied from the get go
[LadyNada] passed over... missed
[LadyNada] where is it located, again?
[Vega-33] do a net search on altavista for Daath
[Vega-33] youll find a lot of pages on it
[LadyNada] thats what I did, yea
[LadyNada] OH BOY!
[LadyNada] I found it baby!
[Vega-33] actually the more I go into this the more bizarre and interesting
it gets
[LadyNada] the VOID!!!!!
[LadyNada] awww man this is it!!!!!
[LadyNada] might be why that crop circle was LAID
[LadyNada] and I do mean LAID
[LadyNada] ehehehe
LadyNada laughs maniacally
[Dennis] !LadyNada evilaff.wav
Vega-33 laughs too
[Vega-33] Showing an emphasis on a different side of life/spirit?
[Vega-33] that isnt usually seen...
[LadyNada] yes.. that darkness is NOT evil
[LadyNada] but space for manifestation
[LadyNada] this shows the spot
"The Sephira that is not a Sephira. The False Crown. Nothingness.
Chaos. Knowledge. The asteroid belt. Saturn. The home of Choronzon. The death
of the ego and superego. The end of the individual. The Holy Guardian Angel
must be abandoned to cross through into the supernal triad. The separation of
the ideal and the actual. Dispersion. Must be jumped. Chapel Perilous. "
[LadyNada] I feel this is false teaching! they are AFRAID of this spot!
[Vega-33] ahhhh this raises a brilliant number of things regarding that
little story about a snake and an apple ;)
[LadyNada] yes it does...
[LadyNada] this is the pearl of great price
[LadyNada] that the guy goes and buys the WHOLE field, to find
[LadyNada] oh boy, I feel a new page for my web site coming on
[LadyNada] this is a find! a JEWEL
[Vega-33] hehehe
[Vega-33] what is your site anyway?
[LadyNada] http://world.std.com/~snet/
[LadyNada] and Vega, WHY did you mention the daath sphere??????????
[LadyNada] oh boy wonder if thats where darth vader name was taken...?
[Vega-33] well... Lady, a lot of people know about the first 10 spheres
[LadyNada] it means.. that this neglected aspect of what is... is the key to
healing our confusions and fears
[Vega-33] but daath is so rarely talked about
[Vega-33] even I left it out at first
[LadyNada] I never heard of it til you mentioned.. I wonder if daath is on
metatron's cube?
[Vega-33] but then noted that it is the intersection of many areas in the
[pheonix7] vega do you think tree of life maps to the chakras?!!
[Vega-33] pheonix in most places yeah
[pheonix7] so can u give a chakra version
[pheonix7] as i am not familiar with tree of life
[LadyNada] um there is a graphic with it overlaid on a human body
[pheonix7] wowee u got it
[LadyNada] wait a sec.. its a web page
[Vega-33] I know for one Malkuth is the loins, hehe
[Vega-33] Tiphareth is the Heart chakra
[LadyNada] please wait a min
[pheonix7] but what does this finding of crop circle have to do with heart
[Vega-33] Yesod is a difficult one... i forget which one... prolly solar
[LadyNada] thats the one we judge against (usually) the physical, and the
[Vega-33] pheonix - they found a crop circle in the shape of the tree of life
[pheonix7] judge against? why? it is nature?
[pheonix7] wowee vega
[LadyNada] Vega-33: looks like daath is where the human head is
[Vega-33] hmm...
[Vega-33] how to put that into perspective
[Vega-33] perhaps Daath relates to the mind...
[Vega-33] knowing
[pheonix7] intuition
[LadyNada] pheonix: ok I can send you the jpg graphic
[pheonix7] great!
[LadyNada] no intuition isnt in the mind
[LadyNada] maybe it relates to a 'missing' connection to the mind?
[LadyNada] oh no no no
[LadyNada] I missed it, it IS the THROAT
[LadyNada] I see, it is in dotted outline
[LadyNada] you want this graphic vega
[LadyNada] ?
[Vega-33] sure
[Vega-33] I had thought it was the throat
[LadyNada] the throat.. okay so whats that mean?
[Vega-33] u confused me ;)
[LadyNada] communication... to God and from God
[LadyNada] sorry
[LadyNada] sorry people..
[Vega-33] oh God
[LadyNada] yes the throat, it is dotted on this graphic
[Vega-33] "In the Beginning Was The Word..." LOL
[Vega-33] Can you say esoterica?
[LadyNada] yes the Word!
[LadyNada] was just thinking that...
[LadyNada] hmmm and we are to SPEAK the word...
[LadyNada] doesnt that imply something about manifestation???
[LadyNada] you need form of some sort to speak.. and the speaking is to
manifest the word into form.....
[Vega-33] but the act of speech isnt it alone.. its the speaking it and
knowing it at the same time
[Talisin] Inttent also
[LadyNada] why did one page describe it as nothingness and chaos?
[LadyNada] yes Talisin
[Vega-33] thats where the I AM thing comes into it...
[LadyNada] hmmm...
[LadyNada] argh!
[Vega-33] There is a reason why they called it the Abyss
[Vega-33] it is frequently called it
[Talisin] thought word action = manifestation
[LadyNada] the end of individuality! death of ego! why?
[LadyNada] why should it be jumped over?
[LadyNada] Saturn! the planet of free will!
[Vega-33] I told ya Daath was mysterious ;)
[LadyNada] awww man!
[Vega-33] in fact I would say that its probably the key to understanding the
whole key
[Vega-33] if you can crack the mystery of Daath with relation to the others
[pheonix7] saturn the planet of mysticism and death
[Vega-33] you have the riddle of the tree of life cracked
[pheonix7] ladynada where did u get the jpg from?!!
[LadyNada] yes I think so too vega-33 it is the key we're looking for
[Talisin] lady send me the JPG please!
[LadyNada] I got it from the crop circle page
[LadyNada] Talisin, here it comes
[Vega-33] nice pick by the way
[Talisin] lol
[LadyNada] pheonix7: yes mysticism and death? how ironic.... and who creates
that nomenclature for that planet?
[Vega-33] and it is SPOT on over the throat
[LadyNada] yep!
[LadyNada] no wonder my neck is so screwed up!
[LadyNada] brb
[pheonix7] does your neck hurt ladynada, trouble speaking, stammering,
[pheonix7] if so that is classic throat chakra opening
Vega-33 :P
[Vega-33] does throat chakra problems also cause unsurity of speech or
shyness of expression in a physical form?
[pheonix7] yes
[pheonix7] hang on
[pheonix7] any form of communication block is connected to the thorat
[pheonix7] chakra
Vega-33 is in awe of whoever came up with this idea.. Daath and the Tree
[pheonix7] could u tell me more about it vega
[LadyNada] back
[Vega-33] hmmm...
[pheonix7] still not quite there yet
[Vega-33] lady what is the hebrew word for apple?
[LadyNada] I dont have any trouble speaking or communicating, but have a disk
[pheonix7] lol
[LadyNada] I dunno hebrew word for apple..
[Talisin] what does this overlay and the tree of life have to do with
[LadyNada] Talisin: look in the graphic, you see the tree of life overlaying
the human body
[pheonix7] you know the snake could represent kundalini female power
[Vega-33] I have a feeling that the part which talks about an apple has a
double meaning
[Vega-33] you have DOTH = Daath
[Vega-33] and then whats the word for apple]?
[Vega-33] if you found that word
[LadyNada] pheonix7: I think thats EXACTLY what the snake represents
[LadyNada] which is why the serpent is not the back guy and neither are the
[Vega-33] and found the hebrew caballah values for apple and DOTH
[pheonix7] but the snake was called satan/self- knowledge
[LadyNada] vega-33 could that apply be the hidden fruit?
[pheonix7] and the apple is desire and sense gratification??!!!
[LadyNada] satan is getting a bad rap
[Vega-33] then I think you would find perhaps Daath was that apple... or the
apple represented the concept of Daath
[LadyNada] those are all good things, come from the Mother!
[pheonix7] i love satan
[pheonix7] :)
[Vega-33] the fall from pure being into manifestation
[LadyNada] we have labeled all the Mother's gifts as evil
[LadyNada] that IS the key
[pheonix7] i agree with u on this lady
[LadyNada] manifestation is also pure... divine
[pheonix7] i love prakrti nature its not evil at all
[pheonix7] its mother
[Talisin] Satan always got a bad rap........
[LadyNada] kundalini is from the Mother
[pheonix7] goddess
[LadyNada] steven its the crop circle
[pheonix7] kundalini--meaning she who is coiled/latent
[pheonix7] kundalini--sakti-- meaning Divine mother?power
[pheonix7] so we can see the creation story is very metaphoric
[Vega-33] well there is a deeper meaning in these ancient languages tho see
[Vega-33] the mathematics
[pheonix7] so what are our conclusions on this so far!
[LadyNada] yes vega, I hope you find the word you're lookin for
[pheonix7] vega -- ill see what i can find out for you
[LadyNada] so far pheonix7, I am gonna dig this up til I understand this KEY
[Vega-33] Lady - if I find the key I'll tell you
[LadyNada] and I feel the key has to do with the Mother
[pheonix7] can we go over what were loking for again
[Vega-33] the gematria of the old testament is well known
[pheonix7] is it apple in hebrew?
[LadyNada] yuh, I gotta go out for a bit, will return to work on this
[LadyNada] its that hidden sephira over the throat
[foxdotwrk] wow!
[LadyNada] we need to divine what that hidden sephira means
[Vega-33] pheonix... the thing is
[Vega-33] some words in hebrew when a cipher is applied to them
[Vega-33] have the same numerical value
[Vega-33] and then a story can be encoded using related words to hide occult
foxdotwrk looks up from the grindstone to see a very interesting conversation
going on
[LadyNada] but it may provide clues
[foxdotwrk] wow
[LadyNada] you mean to tell me?
[LadyNada] there has been this hidden circle in the tree of life
[LadyNada] this whole time?
[LadyNada] and no one really talks about it?
[LadyNada] I find that APALLING!
[Vega-33] ahhh! got it! (the code)
[LadyNada] oh what did you get!
[pheonix7] hope its in binary mate
[Vega-33] theres the letters of the hebrew alphabet in order
[Vega-33] they go up until they reach 10
[Vega-33] and then the 11th is numbered as 20
[Vega-33] and it goes 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200....
[Vega-33] etcx
[Vega-33] that was the hebrew gematria anyway
[Vega-33] now i have to find the hebrew for apple
[Vega-33] DOTH = ?? what chars
[Vega-33] add up the number values
[LadyNada] ???
[Vega-33] under the cipher we should find words in the story which have the
same value under the cipher
[Vega-33] thats how they encoded these things
[Vega-33] Lady - the idea is to find the hebrew for key words in the story of
Adam and Eve
[Vega-33] and compare the numerical values of these words
[Vega-33] with the numerical value of the word DOTH
[Vega-33] which is Daath in Hebrew
[Vega-33] and one of the key words will have the same numerical value as it
[LadyNada] okay I will have to leave you with this for now, be back in couple
a hours
[Vega-33] do you get it?
[Vega-33] ok
LadyNada is away - errands - - be back in a while
You are now known as nada_away
[nada_away] yes I know what you mean vega, you are suited for that quest
[Vega-33] this could get miiighty interesting
[Vega-33] brb
*** Log file closed: 5/21/97 10:29:47 AM
*** Log file opened: 5/21/97 10:48:44 AM
{^-^} sets mode: +o nada
[Vega-33] 4 + (400/9) + 5 + O(?)
Vega-33 gives up on the puzzle for now
[Vega-33] too difficult without decent tools
Vega-33 slaps himself in the face
[Vega-33] thats it!
Vega-33 laughs maniacally
nada is back!
You are now known as ladynada
[Vega-33] RE re RE re RE!!!
[ladynada] hi
[ladynada] whats happened?
[Vega-33] english is full of surprises
[Vega-33] adams apple
[ladynada] oh what did you find?
[Vega-33] hahahaha
[Vega-33] think about it.. its extremely simple!
ladynada laughs maniacally
[Vega-33] :-)
[Vega-33] :))))
[ladynada] I just got back
[Vega-33] I was just about to give up then thought of that!
[ladynada] I'm calling this the Cosmic Cover-Up
[Vega-33] the adams apple is directly over Daath's center right?
[ladynada] oih jesus
[ladynada] the adam's apple!
[ladynada] DOH!!!
ladynada hits her head on the wall a few times...
[ladynada] and... women dont have em...
[ladynada] dum de dum dum
[ladynada] dum de dum dum
Vega-33 is laffing real hard at this :)
[ladynada] DAAAAAAAAAAAAth
[Vega-33] this is so excellent... its perfect!
[ladynada] hello hello hello sir
[ladynada] are ya coming out sir?
[ladynada] no sir
[ladynada] why sir
ladynada continues to babble
[ladynada] we gotta write this up
[Vega-33] yeah!!
Vega-33 interjects witha gfew words every now and then
[ladynada] I am tryin to find a picture of metatron's cube to see where it is
on there..
[Vega-33] speechless :-) is all I can say
[Vega-33] hehe
[ladynada] when did you discover this?
[Vega-33] just before as I was giving up on the search for the gematria
[Vega-33] there it is in plain english!
[Vega-33] I remember reading of it in a book a long time ago
[Vega-33] but never associated it with Daath
Vega-33 grins like a schoolboy; then realises hes presenting false images and
instead laffs like a Uni student ;)
[ladynada] :)
[ladynada] hey maybe they are not false images anymore?
[Vega-33] the story of Adam and Eve was actually an esoteric explanation of
Daaths place in the Universe/Tree of Life
[Vega-33] thats gotta be it
[ladynada] yes.. so now what does that say about lucifer?
[ladynada] lucifer is light bearer for heaven's sake
[ladynada] and the planet Venus
[ladynada] planet of love
[ladynada] and so why the blame game?
[Vega-33] perhaps to cover up the truth from those that could misuse the
[ladynada] I am sorry but this clinches one of my pet theories..
[ladynada] misuse??
[Vega-33] because usually with knowledge comes a respect for what you
learn/the subject
[ladynada] oh no, no more mystery schools please
[Vega-33] well...
[ladynada] no more withholding info from your lil brothers and sisters
[Vega-33] I myself hate the concept
[ladynada] stop telling us what to do...
[Vega-33] but really... to fully understand it
[ladynada] stop being God for us...
[Vega-33] you have to dig and dig like this in a way until suddenly
[Vega-33] the pieces fall into place
[ladynada] yes... there is more here... lets dig some more
[Vega-33] OK... where to begin, hehe
[ladynada] ok.. um that crop circle does not have the daath does it?
[Vega-33] normally; the tree of life doesnt have daath on it
[Vega-33] its "invisible"
[Vega-33] even on your drawing, its a faint dotted line
[ladynada] yes... okay
[Vega-33] and theres the emphasis placed on "A Sephiroth but not a sephiroth"
[ladynada] is and is not... yes...
Vega-33 wonders then... if its a sephiroth and yet not a sephiroth... then a
key, or a doorway... a bridge.. thats the imagery associated with it
[ladynada] could that be why the crop circle is upside down?
[ladynada] a hidden Way, path
[Vega-33] if that ones a hoax its a bloody impressive one ;-)
[ladynada] people have been discussing this, found a web page
[ladynada] even if a hoax, it was done for a reason.. why would they pick
such an elaborate symbol to hoax?
[Vega-33] yes thats true
[Vega-33] if it were a hoax they would have chosen a more universal symbol
and not one traditionally considered a jewish or mystic symbol
[Vega-33] or I would think so at least
[ladynada] right, but which is also, in new age circles, considered sacred
geometry too
[ladynada] Metatron's cube, and metatron is the Father of FORM in the right
use of will books (imo)
[Vega-33] Like the punchbowl formations etc which seem to have no meaning...
that would be the kind of thing they would fake because its more common..
geometric... but this one isnt
[Vega-33] and that being the case theyre telling us (whoever made it) to look
more closely at the symbol I guess
[ladynada] http://www.landfield.com/faqs/magick/kreeeping-ooze/part10/
[ladynada] discussions about daath
[ladynada] yes, they are saying LOOK AGAIN
[ladynada] not so much look to jewish mysticism.. but look to a universal,
for everyone, message
[ladynada] I would like to tie it to metatron's cube for that reason.. put it
in the realm of sacred geometry
[Vega-33] look and try to find whats behind the esoteric surface of the
[Vega-33] hmmm interesting page
[ladynada] hey check this out
[Vega-33] veery much so
[ladynada] I been looking for a book, with sacred geometry drawings in it
[ladynada] its nothing in this book is true but exactly how things are
[ladynada] and I cant find it in the house anywhere..
[ladynada] I went out dropped my mom off..
[ladynada] just now I prayed, show me where the book is
[Vega-33] In another sense, "where Daath is, Kether is not; where Kether is,
[Vega-33] is not."
[Vega-33] this is an interesting statement
[ladynada] and I got back, look in that box of stuff
[Vega-33] lemme guess it appeared?
[Vega-33] hehe
[ladynada] and sure enough its in there in a bag with copies I had made of
some of the figures
[ladynada] yes read that page, was too much there to post in here..
[ladynada] also! in that bag with the book
[ladynada] is my GLYPHS in the crops book by Gregg Braden!
[Vega-33] I never looked at this in such detail before... this is awesome!@
[ladynada] have you seen the symbol on my web site? I got it from Braden's
[ladynada] it IS!
[Vega-33] you know its a quarter past 1 and Im not even tired
[ladynada] in the morning? wow
[Vega-33] maybe not so strange
[Vega-33] last night I stayed up till 4am without feeling tiredness
[Vega-33] and only went to bed because I felt I couldnt stay on irc where i
Vega-33 's current body is aged 20 and Male, living in Rockhampton,
Queensland, Australia, Gaia in the 3rd Solar System; where it is currently
Thu May 22 01:15:47 1997 AEST and the weather exists.
[ladynada] in this book he has a chart with chakras and adam's apple
[ladynada] you know that adam's apple bit is the clincher
[ladynada] what a cosmic JOKE!
[Vega-33] yeah!!
[Vega-33] whoever made that term up must be laughing so hard right now
[ladynada] this chart has the extra chakras
[ladynada] 12 chakra system to go with 12 strand DNA blah blah blah
[Vega-33] ahh interesting
[Vega-33] 12 chakras did you say?
[ladynada] yes
[ladynada] he has a 13th over the head
[Vega-33] hmmmm...
[ladynada] 12 in the body
[Vega-33] 13 must be Kether then
[ladynada] adam's apple as #7
[Vega-33] ahhh 7 I like that!!!1
[Vega-33] 7 = Number of Knowledge in Chaldean Numerology
[Vega-33] I guess the different chakric systems must interrelate
[ladynada] ok page 66 of nothing in this book is true
[ladynada] has the tree of life superimposed over the flower of life
[LtSparrow] the direction of the circle indicates that it is fake by the
picture (I could be wrong) I would like to see it in person
[Vega-33] yes that was the odd thing we noticed
[Vega-33] the circle is upside down
[ladynada] I would like to see it too.. I wana know, simply, is the crop
circle actually there on the ground
[ladynada] I dont care WHO mashed it down, just that the picture is not fake
[Vega-33] I would like to see if its real by standing in the center and
seeing if the trademark ringing vibration is there
[LtSparrow] I think the picture is real
[ladynada] there is a description on that page, they say standing in the
circle made them sick
[ladynada] LtSparrow: u think the picture is of an actual crop circle?
[Vega-33] that would indicate it as a genuine crop circle then if that were
[ladynada] go ahead ask Ganesha!
[Ganesha] ask me what?
[ladynada] the tree of life fits perfectly onto the flower of life
[ladynada] no, go ahead and ask
[ladynada] I was talking to you Ganesha
[ladynada] :)
[Ganesha] crop stuff? flower of life? tree of Life? what?
Vega-33 grins
[Vega-33] two words
[Vega-33] Adams
[Vega-33] apple
[Vega-33] :)
[LtSparrow] I think the picture is real(meaning not changed) the circle is
"strange to say the least. Wheather it is real I can't tell from the pic
[ladynada] and the missing circle looks like it would be in the center of the
first day of genesis
[Ganesha] the right eye of horus
[ladynada] Ganesha: I was waitng for you to say, "What's Cooking?"
Vega-33 's reply to that one, "Apple Strudel" ;)
[ladynada] yes right eye of horus paradigm
[Ganesha] whats cookin here today Lady...glad to see Lady is Back
[ladynada] thanks, thank you
[ladynada] okay we looked at the crop circle? Ganesha
[Ganesha] yeah...I saw...very special
[ladynada] and Vega-33 asked about the hidden sephiroth in the tree of life
[ladynada] its called daath
[ladynada] and now we wana find out why its so mysterious, whats the message
in it for us?
[Vega-33] asked? said :)
[ladynada] yes you said... why did you mention daath?
[ladynada] you said that the crop circle even shows daath
[Ganesha] well, that and the holy grail have alot in commen I think
[ladynada] because you were looking at it upside down!
[ladynada] they do???/ Ganesha!!!???
[Vega-33] well... I had originally said about Kether is in Malkuth etc and
implied that Malkuth #10 was the highest numbered sphere
[ladynada] please spill
[Vega-33] but then corrected myself
[Vega-33] noting #11 which is not always recognised as a sephira
[ladynada] but also you said, some call it 0 instead of 11
[Vega-33] exactly
[Vega-33] which in Chaldean system relates to Pluto
[ladynada] whats the connection Ganesha? inquiring minds wana know
[ladynada] pluto? oh boy
[Vega-33] and you know what Pluto is abourt
[Vega-33] ;-)
[ladynada] no tell me about pluto, please
[ladynada] okay in flower of life.. every circle in the 6 days of creation
has a little circle in its center
[ladynada] follow me?
[ladynada] EXCEPT this one!
[Vega-33] Pluto in one way basically is the planet of massive change in
areas... Death... total upheaval... etc. Chaos, as one page referred to
Daath as
[ladynada] which is the 1st day of genesis
[Vega-33] which would indicate that chaos as it is known...
[ladynada] its the very second circle drawn onto the first to make the vesica
[ladynada] oh GAWD
[Vega-33] is not the bad part.. but a transition into manifestation of a goal
[ladynada] right Vega
[ladynada] hey check this out
[Vega-33] to make a quick meal of it, hehe
[ladynada] if you superimpost the tree of life, over the flower of life
[ladynada] the missing sephiroth STICKS out like a sore thumb! it makes the
whole symetrical figure, INCOMPLETE
[Vega-33] kewl!
[Vega-33] I'd need a diagram for that tho :P
[ladynada] whoa baby, looks like I gotta install my scanner again!
[ladynada] yes.. I dont have it scanned in, ARGH
[ladynada] and of all the copies I made from this book, didnt do that one
[ladynada] vega, is the reason you mentioned daath, because the crop circle
is upside down?
[Vega-33] lady, it was more in passing... a random chaotic addition [g].. but
then I stopped to examine it in more detail to clarify the ommision
[ladynada] okay... follow this.. the point is, why this crop circle depict
the tree of life?
[ladynada] what is the message?
[ladynada] I think vega-33 found the message is the missing sephiroth
[ladynada] why, after all these eons....
[ladynada] do we NOT automatically draw this one in???
[ladynada] hmm?
[Vega-33] I understand why its pictured upside down now
[Vega-33] traditionally when upright, the sephiroth run from 10 up to 1
[Vega-33] in this one they are numbered correctly.... it represents the
descent into matter
[ladynada] and is the message that matter is divine too?
[ladynada] Form and the Mother have been left out
[Vega-33] of course u realise...
[Vega-33] there is always the possibility that
[Vega-33] the photographer was an idiot
[Vega-33] and thought that this was the right way up
[ladynada] the Mother is the negative polarity, she provides darkness of
space for the light to manifest form
[ladynada] there are no mistakes, Vega-33
[Vega-33] which way, its definitely an invitation to look more closely at the
[ladynada] we can make a case on this... shake things up a little
[ladynada] yep
[ladynada] "The problem isn't that of trying to establish a consensus about a
standard terminology; the problem is that words exist (Daath, Abyss), the
words are overloaded in that they already have a number of normal meanings,
and there are hints that the words refer to states that most people haven't
experienced. Not the best place to begin a discussion....."
[Vega-33] hmm wheres this from?
[ladynada] that discussion page
[Vega-33] ahh
[Vega-33] lemme get the url again?
[ladynada] http://www.landfield.com/faqs/magick/kreeeping-ooze/part10/
[Vega-33] oops never mind found it
[ladynada] "Daath, on the other hand, is like the door in the cellar marked
[ladynada] not Enter. There is Nothing In Here". We all know what's behind
[ladynada] locked door in the cellar, don't we? We've all seen the film. It's
[ladynada] most horrible.....well, it may not be the most horrible thing I
[ladynada] imagine, but it is always the most horrible thing the film
[ladynada] can imagine."
[Lord_Kook] It is also the door that everyone usually ends up entering (we
peoples are a mighty curious lot)
[ladynada] I will have to review the standard doctrine on the tree itself
[Vega-33] doh!
[ladynada] :)
[Vega-33] I had forgot something...
[ladynada] what?
[Vega-33] there are actually 2 abyss'
[Vega-33] one is at the doorway to Kether I guess youd say
[Vega-33] er
[ladynada] okay... I was reading a discussion there mentioning that
[Vega-33] at the doorway to Tiphareth
[Vega-33] each of them involves the sacrifice of some form or concept of
self.. the idea of who you are goes thru a change
[ladynada] yes and they always are killing parts of you
[ladynada] why?
[ladynada] why?
[ladynada] why?
[ladynada] maybe killing these parts of ourselves is not right...
[Vega-33] The one before Tiphareth states "I am neither my body, nor my
feelings/emotions, nor my thoughts, nor my subconscious. I am someone who
experiences these things. I am Soul" basically
[ladynada] thats form and the Mother being denied right there
[Vega-33] exactly
[ladynada] my point is, this interpretation of the way things are..
[ladynada] is handed down to us from beings on high
[ladynada] over eons and eons
[Vega-33] these abyss' are pathways into a different manifestation
[ladynada] and nothing whatsoever makes them 'right'
[ladynada] especially now that I see them conveniently leave something OUT
[ladynada] and label it BAD
[Vega-33] First there was Kether... the unknowable... which is supposed to be
pure being without thought or anything
[ladynada] how convenient...
[ladynada] okay...
[Vega-33] this is not able to exist by itself
[Vega-33] For in order to comprehend itself, to KNOW it exists, it must have
some form of contemplation of an area of itself I guess.. its hard to put
into words
[ladynada] thats ok...
[Vega-33] it has to be able to comprehend that exists... and with KNOWING
[Vega-33] comes the Soul... the individuality
[Vega-33] Thats why Daath is a bridge... its a doorway between the pure
concept of "God" and the Self I guess...
[ladynada] which makes the self, divine
[ladynada] separation real
[ladynada] foxy, yes I do relate it back to the oneness versus separation
[Vega-33] This is where Chaos comes into it I guess
[ladynada] funny... I start my paradigm with chaos or rather the Void of
[Vega-33] Chaos I guess represents the individuality
[mayhem] as above, so below
[Vega-33] because without discerning the boundaries of one object and another
there would be no existence
[ladynada] right, that is individual integrity
[Vega-33] damn this is difficult to describe
[ladynada] and REQUIRES form or manifestation
[ladynada] in order to know where what is you ends and what is an other
[ladynada] but we've been beat into our MINDS that there is no separation
[ladynada] so we twist and contort ourselves to make it all ONE
[Vega-33] its the struggle between the reintegration with unity, and the
separation... the transition periods, that translate into what we deem chaos
[ladynada] even tho it is so easy to see that it is separate
[Vega-33] I'll brb p brk
[ladynada] if, if the one birthed the many, literally, why would children
want to return to the womb????
[ladynada] maybe that is why the barrier is there
[ladynada] children were/are afraid! they wana snuggle back up into the womb
[ladynada] Mommy says, NO, go out their and do YOUR will that I gave you
[ladynada] in FORM, in manifestation in creation
[ladynada] the barrier of the invisible sephiroth in the tree of life, Angel
to the ninth power
[^Angel^9] hmm lady, that's over my head
[ladynada] see the crop circle in the url, Angel^9, its the tree of life
[Vega-33] back
[Vega-33] the idea in physics is that the space between atoms.. the empty
space... isnt really empty, its in fact continually fluctuating... with
energy and what not. The idea is that nature abhores a vaccum
[Vega-33] Daath is bridging this vaccuum... from formlessness to form
[ladynada] here is another question
[Vega-33] thats why they call it chaos
[ladynada] if God intended a manifest creation, why have we been taught to
DENY its Form(s)???
[ladynada] if creation is the playground God made for his children, why are
we afraid to go out and play on the swings?
[ladynada] if God intended it, it is not an illusion
[ladynada] why do I see a picture of all the children clamoring to run back
to Mommy's womb?
[ladynada] whats up with that?
[ladynada] hmmm
[Vega-33] well in this case...
[Vega-33] I mean the vaccuum is constantly fluctuating in its state
[Vega-33] its never constant
[Vega-33] this chaotic fluctuating is the struggle between form and
formlessness, which is embodied by Daath
[Vega-33] I think the real joke here Lady is that once we "ascend" into
Oneness, we're going to come right back down again, because you cannot exist
in formlessness...
[ladynada] see? Vega-33
[ladynada] thats the whole ball of wax
[Vega-33] its a constant process and thats why its happened time after tiem
after time.. : )
[ladynada] which is why I wrote my essay on oneness versus separation,
[Vega-33] lady - when i get time on the holidays perhaps I should write up
something on this for my home page
[ladynada] I will be working on this vega-33 from today until I get something
to share on the mailing lists
[Vega-33] I have to get to non sleep soon
[ladynada] thanks so much Vega-33
[Vega-33] go and do some work aided by caffeinne [g] np Lady
[Vega-33] before I go I guess I should share that Great Invocation with you
as much as I remember
[ladynada] oh that'd be nice
[ladynada] getting a headache now...
ladynada moans a little
[Vega-33] if u wanna hear it that is
[ladynada] sure
[Vega-33] all that thinkin too much for ya? ;)
[ladynada] yea, thinking hurts
[ladynada] ;)
[Vega-33] hehe
[Vega-33] I'll try not to make this too complicated :)
[Vega-33] for a start... the wording
Vega-33 is now known as Da-Ra`El
Da-Ra`El places his palms together in a prayer position, and feels the energy
coursiong through them, the flowstream. Closes eyes.
[Da-Ra`El] In the name of the starry family of An-Ra, I call upon they who
were once known as the Ancient Ones, who knew the great arts of healing and
creation as One.
[Da-Ra`El] [thats the first part]
[Da-Ra`El] The second part gets esoteric
[Da-Ra`El] I have to remember the exact words... one sec
[Da-Ra`El] basically there is a visualisation
[Da-Ra`El] Fire Surrounding you and you are at the Center, in this position,
[Da-Ra`El] And there is a flowstream which you rest within
[Da-Ra`El] The Fire is Known as The Golden Spiritual Fire of the Goa
[Da-Ra`El] which in Vegan 'mythology' or explanations was a serpent like
[Da-Ra`El] almost like our Kundalini
[ladynada] what color? is it Golden?
[Da-Ra`El] well thats the impression I got at first.. but its just a
representation of its physical quality
[Da-Ra`El] and the clincher was that this energy of the Goa is neither
negative nor positive
[Da-Ra`El] in this flow stream there were two sub currents
[Da-Ra`El] which were considered destructive and creative
[Da-Ra`El] and the greater current was the sum of these, the current which
does not flow
[Da-Ra`El] and this I think is a link to our Daath we were talking of last
[Da-Ra`El] The energy of creation was neither creative nor destructive.. and
this pure creation energy was the energy of the Goa which featured in this
[Da-Ra`El] anyway... I am going to write up something on this
[Da-Ra`El] so i dont wanna rave on
[ladynada] okay
[ladynada] I have to go pick up my mom anyways
Da-Ra`El wipes foam off his lips ;)
[ladynada] she just called
[ladynada] thanks for sharin that will have to study it more carefully later
ladynada is away - errands again! - - be back in a while
[Da-Ra`El] Ok then... I'd better pop off and get this work done
You are now known as nada_away
[Da-Ra`El] Catchya
Da-Ra`El walks towards the door, drawing a green mist behind him, and
vanishes into the chill of night.
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