Exploring The Waste Land - Show supplementary text

Tristan und Isolde
Act 1
Scene 1
Richard Wagner

English translations in notes windowWagner's original German
ENGLISH translationIn NOTES frame
 In AUXILARY window

Sources of text in the original and translations:
German: www.cis.upenn.edu/~josephr/TuI/home.html
(The website's URL has since changed. See below.)

English: unchance.net/Liebestod/1.htm

External Links (shown in AUXILARY window):
Hints for using external links are available in the either the DEFINTIONS frame or this frame.


L 135 - Tristan und Isolde
Libretto of Richard Wagner's Tristan und Isolde (in German but Act I also in English)

Exploring The Waste Land - [Home] [E-mail] File date: Sunday, September 29, 2002