Exploring The Waste Land - Show supplementary text


Sources for text

English translations in notes windowVirgil's original Latin
John Dryden poetic translationIn NOTES frame
T.C. Williams poetic translationIn DEFINTIONS frame
 In AUXILARY window

The Williams translation was supplied by the Perseus Project. They supplied the following citation for their source:

Vergil.  Aeneid.  Theodore C. Williams. trans.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.  1910.
OCLC: 313514

The supplier of the Dryden translation and the original Latin does not want to be identified because the supplied texts were modified here (by being converted into HTML format). However you may be able to find text versions of the works at Project Gutenberg.

A page at this site describes Project Gutenberg.

External Links (shown in AUXILARY window):
Hints for using external links are available in the either the DEFINTIONS frame or this frame.


L 16 - Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg e-texts

External Links (shown in AUXILARY window):
Hints for using external links are available in the either the DEFINTIONS frame or this frame.


L 15 - The Aeneid
Aeneid, Williams translation at Perseus
L 16 - Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg e-texts

Exploring The Waste Land - [Home] [E-mail] File date: Sunday, September 29, 2002