Exploring The Waste Land
An allusion page linked from The Waste Land's title


Eliot, in his first note to the poem mentions Jesse L. Weston's From Ritual to Romance and Sir James George Frazer's The Golden Bough. Both are scholary works. The third edition of The Golden Bough (1906-15) even spanned 12 volumes.

The Exploring The Waste Land site has more information about The Golden Bough by Sir James George Frazer.

There are also more pages about Adonis.

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T 43 - Frazer, Sir James George
T 54 - Holy Grail
T 1 - Adonis
T 10 - Attis
T 91 - Osiris
T 119 - Tammuz
T 130 - Venus


L 49 - Jesse L. Weston: From Ritual to Romance
This e-text of From Ritual to Romance is at the Celtic Twilight web site
L 68 - The Golden Bough
E-text of Sir James George Frazer's 1922 abridged edition of The Golden Bough at Bartleby.com (by chapter)
L 235 - The Golden Bough
E-text of Sir James George Frazer's 1922 abridged edition of The Golden Bough at Bartleby.com (by pages)

Exploring The Waste Land
File name: aqtitle.html
File date: Sunday, September 29, 2002
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