Exploring The Waste Land
An allusion page linked from The Waste Land, Part I, line 49

Mona Lisa
Walter Pater

The words the Lady of the Rocks on line 49, of The Waste Land is likely an allusion to Mona Lisa.

In 1893 Walter (Horatio) Pater (1839-1894), British critic and essayist, published in his work, The Renaissance, an essay entitled Mona Lisa that contains a number of lines of interest to readers of The Waste Land.

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T 93 - Pater, Walter Horatio
T 28 - da Vinci, Leonardo
T 13 - Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)

Exploring The Waste Land
File name: aq049.html
File date: Sunday, September 29, 2002
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