Known bugs
Here is a list of the known bugs on the site. Most of the serous ones
will be due to the way the browsers display the site or to HTML limitations.
Broken or dead links may be a problem.
At this site there are links to about 1,000 files at other websites and
there may be duplicates of these.
Also, this site is so complex (see the site's
page) that small updates may break things and a full update has been done
only on a yearly basis.
Occurrances of xxx show up now and then. These indicate areas
that need more work. You should not have to see these, I'm working on
removing them.
Everyone complains about the ugly colors used in the framed portion of
the site. They are "web safe" colors used to keep the background from
being displayed in a dithered fashion. This is primarily a hardware problem.
Some browsers display "tool tips" when the cursor hovers over a link,
others have not implemented this feature.
Citations are not in a standard format or even in a consistant format.
I'll work on this.
There are versions of browsers that will drive you nuts in the framed site.
These are Netscape 6.0 (Netscape 6.2 is okay)
and a few beta versions of the Mozilla browser.
There is a bug in them that shows up when you
choose a link that will cause the poem to change the line that is
displayed on the top. The browser will cause the poem window to
display a blank screen for a while, then the top of the poem for a while
and then it will display the poem as it should.
Netscape versions 4.x (and, I think, 3.x) place scroll bars over text.
On some very old, slow and memory deprieved systems your system may
crash. See the page that describes
framing alternatives
to find out how to avoid this problem.
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