hopper, 1993 [5.1, abstract, overview, toc, switchboard, references]

5.1.1 Conceptualization

Conceptualization was done by faculty members, and appeared to take place before a project exists as an identifiable entity. But the passage does not elaborate about the processes that occur during the "conceptualization" of courseware. A richer description of the conceptualization process emerged during a conversation with Schmidt (personal interview, March 4, 1992) concerning courseware development processes:
I think what faculty do is take how they teach a course and they think about how they can teach better, how can they do what they are already doing, but better. I think it stems from what they're specifically trying to teach. I don't think they think in terms of pedagogical theory. I think they think more from their own experience in the classroom and their own experience with the assignments they give students. They might think, "if a student could do one pass or two passes of something by hand, if I let them do it on a computer where they can put in parameters and see how things change they could do 10, and that will give them so much more of an intuitive feeling." That's the reason a lot of the engineering software has been to give students this intuition and let them change parameters and see what if, to do simulations.

This type of activity surrounded Bucciarelli's (personal interview, June 23, 1992) decision to prepare problem sets for Mechanics 2.01:
Bucciarelli: I got this idea to see what we can do with this cT language. So I got a student to do just a few things on linear regression with it in the fall. And I decided we should try the problem set solutions for the mechanics course I was teaching in the Spring. The idea was that instead of cryptic or opaque solutions that you give the students, let's give them something on Athena that allows them to play with it, and interact with it, simulations. The students still had to do the problem sets. These function as the problem set solutions. I would put these solutions up after they handed in their problems.

The "conceptualization" of successful courseware did not appear to be a formal process oriented around developing a solution related to the computer, but instead emerged from a rich set of preexisting conditions, such as the faculty member's wish to improve their existing educational methods. Faculty members used their existing beliefs about learning processes in their discipline. If educational processes changed through the use of the computer, it was probably the result of thought during the later authoring and implementation process, rather than as a outgrowth of the conceptualization of the project. This is consistent with a general observation about the initiation conditions which usually surround successful projects at Purdue, provided by Tom Putnam (personal interview, July 30, 1992), the assistant director of PUCC:
Putnam: The places where it has really succeeded is where a person came in with an education problem to solve and found that the medium could be used to solve the problem, not the other way around. They didn't start with a computer and say let's see if we can go out and apply this to education somewhere. The medium is here. It's not the problem. The problem is that doing something with it takes an enormous amount of effort. The hard part of this is still the intellectual effort of the teacher to build the material into something that can be delivered as instruction. That's the thing that takes the time. It still takes the time to say what is it that I want to do, which materials am I going to put together, how am I going to have them interrelate, and how am I going to have it interface with the student.

At Brown, where Landow created his Context32 courseware, Kahn (personal interview, March 2, 1992) echoed the same beliefs about the importance of faculty having an educational problem to solve as an important prerequisite, then also points out the importance of that problem or goal, and then finding an appropriate match between those goals, and the tools they chose to use:
Kahn: For the tools that we developed in Intermedia, there were some points that seemed to be critical for success. The first point is that it only works for faculty who think they have a problem. That may sound obvious, but unfortunately it is not quite as obvious as it seems. If a faculty person comes to us and says, "I've been trying to get across these kinds of points for the last ten years, and I know that I am having trouble getting them across," and if the points they are trying to get across match the strengths of the system, then you generally have a success. For the Intermedia system, the problem that seemed to be the best was the need to get your students to understand the interrelationship between many pieces of information. Now, if you have a case where the faculty member says, "I've been teaching second year Latin for the last 20 years, and everybody learns second year Latin, what's the problem? I don't need it," then it does not work out well.

Davis (personal interview, December 8, 1992), Manager of CECI, provided an explanation about why it is so important for faculty to begin with the problem, before they decide to use the technology. It appears that the most successful courseware is not the process of finding something to express as much as finding a better way to express the things that are already there in a new and exciting way:
Davis: We're interested in trigger materials, which are things like videos or images that will trigger student's curiosity. It is like what an artist does when they do an exhibition. He or she takes their personal vision and goes public.
They basically have to teach the public what they think about, and what's important to them when they lay out the exhibition. The way to lay out an art exhibition is to try and lead somebody through a thought progression of some kind, and that same process is the way you design courseware. You lay out the path, both consciously and unconsciously, through the materials. What would be the trigger to get you to look at this point, to get you to read this, or listen to this, and then it's time for the graphic. A lot of it is the orchestration of media. These materials are a lot like operas, because they are about visually creating moments for the viewer, where somebody goes, "Ah ha! I got it!"
There are a few teachers in education who know how to create these moments for students. It begins with teachers who are interested in "ways of learning". They are the ones who intuitively understand our work. All they are doing is using the computer to model something they already know how to do. They have to have that knowledge of how to create that moment, and then be able to translate that into the media. They usually want to create that moment with anything can get their hands on. I think the interesting teachers are the ones who are interested in learning. They're interested in the science of learning. So we try or find those people that are inspired to be teachers, because of their own interest in the subject. The technology does not come first. It is an interesting dimension. It's a tool for their pursuit.

Conceptualization of courseware is a process through which faculty members perceive ways in which they can further improve existing solutions to educational problems through opportunities that are presented to use particular types of computing resources. Further exploration into the background of each of the directors supports long term commitment to their goals, sometimes also through the application of technology. It may be that for projects to be sustained over time, they need to grow from a long term vision, based upon ways to create appropriate instruction oriented around both the discipline and the learner. There was an incubation of the ideas in which faculty formed their own personal visions of what their educational goals will be throughout their careers, before conceptualization of the particular project, and the faculty only used the project as opportunity to express their existing visions.
One consequence of the faculty conceptualizing projects was that they wanted to create their own content, if not their own educational tools as well. Not only were they willing to create the courseware when opportunities were presented to do so, but there was a general preference for producing their own, as an expression of their personal vision of the knowledge base to which they were committed. This closely follows the pattern that faculty are often not satisfied with textbooks that are available, and go to great lengths to customize the knowledge they present from their own well informed perspectives. While some people consider it a problem that so few faculty adopt courseware created somewhere else, it is not surprising in the context of the discussion above. A large part of the prerequisite conditions of faculty using computers in their teaching is that they find a way to use them to express their own personal visions of the content as they already exist. They prefer to express their own vision, rather than to adopt another's. This phenomena was even illustrated to some extent within the successful TODOR project. LaVin (personal interview, October 2, 1992) describes in the passage below the degree to which this software was customized for the MIT faculty:
LaVin: When I demonstrate TODOR, people expect it to be complete. They expect to know a topic when they are done running a module, although the modules were designed to be used as part of our curriculum. They are generally a tool for doing a particular calculation task, or some piece of a theory. To most people who are not aerodynamisists, they are completely incomprehensible taken all by themselves. They are also slanted to the way the topics are taught here, because they were to be used in this curriculum. Some of the theories are different from the way they're described in the book, and some of them are from the individual faculty members. They are completely tailored.
Courseware became more of a division wide resource for the faculty to rely on to help them create software to deliver the topics for which they were generally responsible for teaching. In the future, it may be valuable for initiatives to recognize that courseware endeavors that emanate from within academic organizations are going to be characterized by fairly idiosyncratic, although correct, characterizations of the content. This courseware will be less likely to be adopted by other institutions, in much the same way as locally prepared lab manuals and exercises are often limited in their generality. The following quote accurately characterizes the self-expressive and creative motives of those intelligent and discpline oriented faculty who conceptualized and initiated courseware projects:
I must create a System, or
be enslaved by another Man's
I will not Reason and Compare:
my business is to create. - William Blake

This explains the low probability of faculty members producing generalizable courseware. Administrators funding courseware development in academic contexts should expect this to be the case, and take it into consideration when administering large courseware efforts. It is unlikely that any courseware project will be successful if it does not begin with dedication to the discipline and the learner. Anything less will probably not be able to sustain the types of endeavors observed during this research. The courseware construction process is demanding, and not only requires dedication, but inspires it. Unfortunately, the same motivation that drives the creation of courseware also makes it less generalizable.
© Mary E. Hopper | MEHopper@TheWorld.com [posted 12/04/93 | revised 04/12/13]