Qualitative Reports on Individuals LO12991

Mon, 24 Mar 1997 00:27:02 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO12963 --

IVNS Raju wrote, "I am looking for new ways of obtaining Qualitative
Reports on Individuals working in the organisation." I'm not sure how
large an organization you're dealing with, but the best (only?) way I know
of gaining good, qualitative information, is to simply spend time talking
with people, asking them what is important to them, and 'listening hard.'
For larger groups of people, you might be able to get away with some kind
of survey instrument. The trouble with this kind of an approach, though,
is that people's interests change over time, and what might have been
considered an extra "reward" at one time, might not at a later time.

I'm also wondering--is this really for a "reward," as in the
carrot-on-a-stick? Or is it recognition you are really thinking of, a way
to tell people, We know of, value, and appreciate your contributions to
this organization? Your original msg suggests that this information would
be used in other ways as well, which leads me to believe you are wanting
ways to show you value the people who make up the organization. If that's
the case, then ask them, What would indicate to you that we value your
contributions here? What do you want or need?

The two main ways I've seen other organizations handle this:
- managers who come to know their people very, very well--what's
important to them, what isn't, what would be helpful, or a nice splurge
- compiling a list of all the possible ways "recognition" could be shown,
that the organization is willing to do (e.g., bonuses, a plaque, nicer
office furniture, a paid vacation, time off), and having the people select
their own (can't, of course, say that managers get vacations, and line
workers get plaques!)


Terri Deems Tadeems@aol.com

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