Leadership trends LO12729

Rol Fessenden (76234.3636@CompuServe.COM)
28 Feb 97 23:14:03 EST

Replying to LO12726 --

Sb: Leadership trends LO12726

David Hanson quote someone which I missed:

" It means that as long as the people who control the bucks like what is
happening then nothing is going to change. We can talk all we want about
learning organizations but if the profit motive is ruling -- which it does
in most companies -- then only a threat to survivial will cause the
leadership to change. "

I think David's response was quite accurate, but let's also recognize that
it is precisely competition that in many arenas forces change and growth.
We have this short term perception that nothing changes in the world of
capitalism, but actually the reverse is true. It is business after all,
that Tom Peters wrote about -- among many others -- when he wrote about
the revolutionary new ways people were approaching work. Without
intending any criticism, when was the last time there was much literature
on the revolutionary changes in government? It appears to me that commonly
held perceptions about capitalism need to be re-evaluated.


Rol Fessenden 76234.3636@compuserve.com

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