Leadership trends LO12726

Fri, 28 Feb 1997 13:39:23 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO12718 --

In a message dated 97-02-28 03:25:11 EST, you write:

" It means that as long as the people who control the bucks like what is
happening then nothing is going to change. We can talk all we want about
learning organizations but if the profit motive is ruling -- which it does in
most companies -- then only a threat to survivial will cause the leadership
to change. "

Dear LO Group: I believe that LOs will be more competitive and thus "win"
over time when compared to totalitarian, authoritaritan and anarchic
management structures. With a little patience and personal involvement,
LO thinkers will live to see this day, some of us see it now. Let the
market (profit motive) do what it does in the competition of ideas, and if
we don't really beleive that LO ideas are an improvement for ALL
stakeholders, then why would we spent time on this list? I believe LO
will succeed because of what it is, and we don't need to make new
capitalistic rules to observe this ascendance toward a better way to
achieve usefulness and meaningfulness in our work.

Warm regards, David

David L. Hanson, Ph.D.
Synergistic Psychology Associates, P.A.
Suite 204 Cameron-Brown Building
310 South McDowell Street
Charlotte, NC 28204
Author of the GEMA-Leadership Development 360 Degree instrument
"Leading Teams to Real Teamwork"



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