In a message dated 97-02-25 00:40:16 EST, (Walter G.
Prevalnig) writes:
" In this case I would recommend that there be no measurement of individual
performance within a team. The aim after all should be how the output of
the team moves us toward the attainment of nominal value, optimization of
the entire system. "
Dear LO Group: While I share the view that real teamwork will optimize
the entire system, we run the risk of creating totalitarian teams if we do
not allow for the fact that some want to work more and harder than others,
for many different reasons. If we do not compensate for these individual
differences that are created from human choice itself, we will create
team-automatons reducing the options for all. While it is possible to
have a team with members that are so homogeneous that a complete team
compensation package might apply, most teams have members at different
levels of skill and desire and these chosen differences can be
acknowledged with differential compensation while also creating team
compensation. Let us not homogenize humanity to the degree that we make
the same fundamental errors that Marx and Engels made with their "statist"
economic theory, where their ideas were a fundamental violation of human
Warm regards, David
David L. Hanson, Ph.D.
Synergistic Psychology Associates, P.A.
Suite 204 Cameron-Brown Building
310 South McDowell Street
Charlotte, NC 28204
Author of the GEMA-Leadership Development 360 Degree instrument
"Leading Teams to Real Teamwork"
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