Diversity vs depth of ideas LO12677

Manuel Manga (0007015296@mcimail.com)
Sun, 23 Feb 97 23:41 EST


A while back there was a thread about the richness and diversity of ideas
in this digest. I too enjoy the diversity of ideas and opinions, at the
same time I also think that we miss something by not having some depth
into some key ideas. I do recognize that some threads have a longer life
span than others. here is what I would like to see in addition to the
diversity of ideas. I suggest that every month or every week a topic
or idea is selected that the list members are encouraged to write about.
A common thread for the week or month, for example :
Leadership. (best models, best practices, best books, etc).
Learning, Systems Thinking, Creativity (At de Lang has offered a lot
on this subject lately), language, Quality, Self-organizing systems, etc.
I also think that this may open more possibilities for people to
contribute to this digest. Another benefit, would be at the end of the
week or month, we will have a greater understanding of a topic and
some more depth. this information could become a rich resource guide
for all of us.

Manuel Manga

Organization Design Consultant


Manuel Manga <0007015296@mcimail.com>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>