I presume you have seen the stuff at Carnegie Mellon SEI about capability
measures (the capability maturity model)
Juan Robertson
At 11:45 PM 2/14/97 -0500, you wrote:
> My name is Janson Hall and I am a graduate student at the
>University of Maryland working toward a degree in Software Development
>Management. While researching methods for correlating employee skills
>with a company's strategic goals I discovered your mail server. The
>purpose of my research project is to determine organizational commitment
>to Skill Based Management (SBM) and what assessment techniques are used to
>evaluate its success
> I am currently in the process of developing a survey to assess
>management views concerning SBM. As part of the design process I would
>like to examine previous studies and questionnaires involving different
>aspects of skills management and learning organizations. I would
>appreciate any help in locating any prior research studies or
--"Juan P. Robertson" <juant@wolfenet.com>
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