Gifts Freely Given LO12531
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 11:22:28 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO12518 --

We often share stories in this forum about individuals who skew a system
out of balance by concentrating on one of its parts. I just call this
lack of perspective. To capture the perspective of another person you can
do one or more of the following:

Metaphorically, you may move to the place they stand. (Experience?)

You may judge their response and infer backward from it where they stand.

You may try to guess what is going on (Chance?)

You may understand deeply the reasonable and customary actions of people.
(Intuition and analysis?).

I would suggest that many "problems" in businesses are only failures of
one person to understand another person's thoughts or actions, leading to
a subsequent perspective blindness. A neglected thread in establishing a
learning organization is how to create or unleash sufficient understanding
of human behavior and personality to prevent this blindness.

Lon Badgett
"A lifetime of common visual experiences prepares us to accept the fact that
the distant mountains only appear tiny.  How do we create the same shared
acceptance of our perspectives on human behavior?"  Emil Gobersneke 

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