Feedback and Play LO12519
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 23:03:55 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO12497 --

> I am also in a situation with a client where we have completed our
> work together and I want to get feedback from them about our work
> together as well as give feedback to the client.
> I am curious as to what feedback techniques others have used to
> successfully close (or open up) work with groups. From a consultant's
> perspective, are there some good techniques for delivering and
> receiving feedback from our clients?

Whenever someone in our practice completes a project, we ask for a report.
Not a report on the project which we will be providing or co-providing,
but a report that shows how the advisor-client relationship worked in
practice and what are the lessons learned. What should be avoided or
repeated the next time? Were there any misunderstandings? Was there info
on either side that was not discivered until too late? Did either side
cause the other a lot of work or expense that could have been avoided?
Were any shortcuts missed or successfully tried? Was the initial info on
the objective too broad, or too narrow, or too vague? These questions have
implications for future projects and putting them on paper helps to focus
the mind and sharpen the memory. A year or two down the road and you will
have a tremendous database of lessons learned to draw and learn from.

Frank Voehl (


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