Small Company Grows LO12482
Tue, 11 Feb 1997 07:41:44 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO12472 --

My problem/situation: Is there sufficient value in the achievement to
warrant the level of frustration and simple bad management that currently
exists and will continue for, at least, a while. Or is this a situation
of diminishing returns whiuch I should help as much as I can while I am
there but continue to seek another opportunity?

There is a way to determine the amount of opportunity that exists,
especially if the organization is a manufacturing-related enterprise.
There is a very good diagnostic instrument called the 'Quickview
Manufacturing Survey' which can be very useful in determining value and
opportunity areas in a snap-shot manner. There is a cost involved, which
results in a 15 page report on areas of findings.

Any Iinteresr, please let me know.
Frank Voehl (


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