>I read P.M.Senge and found my personal structure of management
>mirrored. Everything else than organic procedures is wasting energy.
>The learning company is organic - that's all. In Germany this kind of
>thinking is quite new...
The notion of the Learning Organization is particularly interesting given
the existing mechanistic assumptions about information systems, learning,
organizational control, and human behavior. One 'organic' web site is
attempting to take an inquiring stance about these 'mechanistic'
assumptions particularly w.r.t. issues raised by discontinuous change and
the challenge of creating discontinuous strategies. [Even the
interpretation of the traditional notion of strategic planning is
currently an issue of debate in the academic and practitioner circles].
Perhaps, you would find it of potential use given your interest in
"organic" organizations [or should I say 'dis-organizations', since the
terms 'organic' and 'organizations' seem to represent opposite poles for
the metaphor.]
The meta-site titled 'A Business Researcher's Interests' is located at
URL: http://www.brint.com/interest.html
and is attempting to unravel the 'mechanistic' assumptions underlying the
above issues particularly with reference to the currently popular
management topics of:
* Business Process Reengineering (BPR),
URL: http://www.brint.com/BPR.htm
* Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning,
URL: http://www.brint.com/OrgLrng.htm
* Intranets
URL: http://www.brint.com/Intranets.htm
* Virtual Organizations, Networks & Outsourcing
URL: http://www.brint.com/EmergOrg.htm
* Organizations as Complex Systems
URL: http://www.brint.com/Systems.htm
Yogesh Malhotra
Yogesh Malhotra E-mail: host@brint.com
Editor/Publisher, A Business Researcher's Interests (tm)
URL: http://www.brint.com Host: http://www.brint.com/host.html
@BRINT (tm) Business Research in Information & Technology
--Yogesh Malhotra <malhotra@vms.cis.pitt.edu>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>