Dave Pollard makes me think about the measurement of teams and learning.
He generates my question:
What is the purpose (are the purposes) of this measurement we're talking
I wonder if we aren't talking around the concept of learning from doing,
so that the next time we do, our doing will be manifestly improved? And as
a measure or yardstick of improvement within the imperatives of our
organizational culture, we follow the " S.M.A.R.T." model: activity is
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and trackable?
Speaking only from the viewpoint of my own manufacturing organization, I
will say that we DO have metrics for team work, developed both by team
sponsor and team members, and which reflect on the highest level of
abstraction the corporate strategic goals ( HOSHIN).
Best regards,
--Barry Mallis bmallis@markem.com Total Quality Resource Manager MARKEM Corporation Keene, NH 03431
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