I am participating in seminar within my company on how we should use
performance measures. It has been initiated by Finance Director and will
be primarily to a Finance audience. I had introduced him to Systems
thinking LO etc via a short conversaton, whilst working for a year on BPR
project (Though my interest in this area goes back further than this) I
now find myself giving an overview of latest thinking. I would like to
link performance measures with LO and I know the Director is interested in
the balanced scorecard approach by Kaplan.
Whilst I intend to use Double loop accounting, mental models as the basis
for my presentation I was wondering if anyone else out ther has
suggestions as to how I could start to gain interest in LO etc amongst the
finance community who as "the bean counters" are unwittingly key shapers
of organisational culture.
Any advice, comments, key messages you have would be very welcome
Looking forward to your responses
Martin Silcock
Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Ltd
ST12 9ES
Tel: 01782 204141
Fax 01782 204402
--"Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Ltd." <eo57@dial.pipex.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>