" Retaining knowledge workers is not that much different then retaining any
employee that is worth keeping. Money is not the sole motivator, however
it does play a role in any decision making process. "
Remember Adam's equity theory? Money is only one, but often the most
salient, input into an equation to determine whether we are being treated
fairly or not by our employer. The exact amount of the money may not
matter much to us, but the fact that we are being treated fairly or
unfairly does.
I left a job as a pharmaceutical sales rep for graduate school and life as
a college professor. Hence, a lot less money but much more satisfaction.
I accept the fact that I will make less money as a professor, but I expect
to be paid comparable to the others (with similar experience, etc..) in my
department or I may feel undervalued......and not satisfied with my
pay...hence, less motivated.....
The impetus for a lot of behavior is the perception of inequity.
Interestingly, research finds that perceptions of procedural fairness are
more important than perceptions of distributive fairness (i.e., the
outcomes). For example, if you believe that the procedure/process that
determined your pay raise was fair, then you are more likely to accept the
outcome even if it is not what you wanted.
More reasons (beyond the obvious ones) for treating people fairly and with
Some thoughts from,
Claire McCarty Kilian
--Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>