>So it is with great irony that Sam announces in the ad, "system thinking
>for the home". Sam may be dense, but he can learn strategy from the
>masters, and here is a master strategy for your home. Fascinating ad
>concept -- I'd like to hear the designer explain how it all came together.
>Owens-Corning has a nice "system thinking" presentation on their web site.
>Notice that the term is trademarked!
> <http://www.owens-corning.com/owens/acquainted/does/home/>
>[Host's Note: I'm astounded that the firm would assert their trademark on
>the term "system thinking" and I've written them to complain. ...Rick]
I'm equally astounded. Is anyone else? Seems like a fundamental free
speech, human rights type issue to me. What's their email address Rick, I
want to write also...
[Host's Note: Well, actually I'm not sure of the address. There is a
"feedback" function on the web page, and I got a reply saying "We've
forwarded your msg to the PR department." ...Rick]
Best wishes
Arthur Battram
--from Arthur Battram, organisational learning adviser, helping local authorities to apply complexity concepts to personal and organisational learning. 'Learning from Complexity' pack available real soon now, approx 110 full price [55 -half price- for local authorities in England and Wales who finance LGMB] for details email me: apb@cityplex.demon.co.uk
***the truth? that would be an ekumenical matter...***
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>