Some Reflection and Comments on :
>Scott Simmerman (
>Sun, 12 Jan 1997 12:36:23 -0500
>As soon as someone begins to tell me (face-to-face, on video,
>or in email) that they have THE Answer, I begin to tune out. I do
>not think THE Answer exists, because why haven't we found it by
>now with millions of people studying the problem for thousands of
>years. I think lots of people have lots of good stuff to say, but
>the answer?
>Michael McMaster (
>Sat, 11 Jan 1997 20:46:05 +0000
>This suggests to me a learning point regarding the attitudes
>(or maybe even "first principles") of a learning organization.
>That is, shifting to a view that is looking for what might be
>possible and challenging all constructions of "must be".
We do witness a lot of such primitive thinking tools being used in
our day to day work; in the working fields, in the office, in the
boardroom, in seminar rooms, conferences .... "QUESTION & ANSWER"
session, "ANY PROBLEM?" (refer my observation on "Any Problem
syndrome" as per my homepage
is given, the whole THINKING PROCESS can STOP! How wonderful!
Imagine such Primitive Thinking Tool being used in countless
cycles, how do we ever get Creativity and Innovation in an
organization? At the same time Primitive Thinking Tools dominate
together with the commitment statement (Vision, Mission, Quality
Policy etc.) that stress on Creativity, Innovation, Empowerment,
What then are the more Advanced Thinking Tools?
There are of course System Thinking Tools, appreciate comments
from others on experience of using more effective thinkings tools
and create impact and influence towards the Vision.
Andrew Wong
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