Technology and Values LO11717

J.C. Lelie (
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 23:47:53 -0800

Replying to LO11674 --

Diana Mordock wrote, Replying to LO11652 --

> .. what we need to do to become a global
> community .. is to agree on a set of core values that are absolutes
> .. that will not be violated and can be built upon with different
> answers in different cultures.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

We have some laws we have to obey to (gravity, second law of
thermodynamics, laws for the mind and the body) but in principle we do not
have to agree on values, nor on core values, to begin building a better

Nowadays i sometimes think it is the other way around: because people tend
to believe in core-values, which we do not want to see violated, which are
sacred, which we've deeply felt to be true, which are part of ourselves,
because of these values we run into problems when we try to advance

I saw this early in life, as a child, when i heard somebody from the
church say (i was raised Roman-Catholic in The Netherlands) that there is
no reason for better co-operation between the different Christian beliefs
in Holland: simply come back to the mother church. I thought: this doesn't
solve nothing and is impossible. It is a real paradox.

The reasoning behind it is a bit outlandish, because i treat cause and
effect differently. I often think that people confuse the visible result
of a process with the processes themselves. For instance: a good process
of cooperation usually leads to a high ROI (whether in money or in
emotional results: being part of a high performing team). So some people
see success, see the ROI and think: ROI is the goal and say: we must
cooperate better for a higher ROI. But the moment somebody else (i.e. a
share holder, a manager, a leader) is too much benefitting from a higher
ROI, it becomes more difficult for an employee to co-operate better. And
such a paradox is always with us. This world is unfair place. There is no
such thing as true justice here (now it occurs to me that that is why
there must be a last judgement day).

Then somehow you become not quiet convinced that cooperation is good for
you, and processes of sub-optimalization, symptom fighting and covering up
take over. Which is being covered up by extensive reasoning that we
shouldn't cover up and must control this cover up. While controlling each
other's behavior leads to poorer cooperation, costs more money (trust is,
as quality, free) which reduces the ROI, so we should focus much more on
ROI and start cost cutting. And on and on and on... We have trapped
ourselves in making money in the name of co-operation. The goal has become
means, the means became goals. We are addicted to money making.

These processes are much more complicated, i tried to outline the tip of
the iceberg. And all these processes are done with the best intentions.

So by the same reasoning the outcome of a process of advancement might be
common values (note the same root-word as money), common-unity.
Successful co-operation leads to participants with common values, a shared
vision. I noted that. But if i would suspect, perhaps even
sub-consciously, irrational, through my emotions, that these outcomes
might be different than the beliefs i now cherish, or that somebody else
might profit more from it than i think is reasonable, justifiable, the
best tactic might be to reverse the reasoning and put common values at the
core. And cover up, sup-optimize, fight the symptoms and become addicted.
Perhaps we are addicted to our beliefs.

At this moment, the only requirement for beginning to build a better world
that i can see, and this is a very heavy requirement, not very easy to do,
because generating cycles of symptom fighting, leading to double binds,
distorting the view on our current reality is so natural, the only
requirement i can think of, is to choose to let go of your own beliefs.

You do not have to let go of your beliefs permanently, they'll always will
be there, they must be there, because they represent the resukts of
learning. You and i can not do without them. But you can suspend them,
look at them, see them for what they are: emotions that might impair
results, might lead to situations nobody wants.

Let's face it, everybody is different, everyone has different gifts,
another mind, another reality and other beliefs. And all that is necessary
to become a global community is already there, even the idea of becoming a
common-unity is already here.

I am glad to be back too.


Post scriptum: the idea of an European Community always runs into
problems with (nationalistic) beliefs and ends in fighting over money.


Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (J.C. Lelie) @date@ @time@ CREATECH/LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development - + (31) 70 3243475 Fax: idem or + (31) 40 2443225

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