As the original respondent to the question, I agree with what you are
saying Michael. When I posted the note about collaboration on W2, this
was just an example of how we have been creating the environment in
which we can work together. Another, less pressing area perhaps, is our
budget process. For our college budget review process (historically all
the budget managers had to make their "case" in front of the finance
director and the President), we now have a "team" composed of
cross-sectional administrators and union members. The purpose is to
ensure a higher level of enrollment in what we are doing and why; to
ensure a higher level of understanding. JBR
>From: Michael D. 'Mike' Townes[]
>Sent: Monday, January 06, 1997 4:41 AM
>Subject: Can LO Work in a Unionized Environment? LO11697
>Seems to me that the answer to your question lies somewhere within the
>notion of leadership versus management. The ability to build a shared
>vision and values and to focus energy toward internally-driven goals in
>the absence of clear external threats is a lot of what good leadership in
>all about, whether one is talking about the civilian sector, government
>service or the military, for profit or no, wartime or peace, etc. In the
>South, the internal tension that galvanizes action is often related to the
>"WIIFM," the "what's in it for me?" Whether people are driven to make a
>difference at work or to plan theie weekend activities depends upon who
>and what has grabbed their attention.
>People always follow some course... whether that course is intentional and
>focused is paramount to whether the situation improves...
>Best regards,
>Michael D. 'Mike' Townes, Quality Specialist, USPS
> W:214-819-8797 H:972-355-7222
--James Rieley <>
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